Monday, August 26, 2019

Pharmco National Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pharmco National - Essay Example What is effective and evident practice of one manager does not necessarily mean appropriateness to other managers as well. Sharing of knowledge as one context in the system does not get an absolute support from the employees, considering the fact that it is one investment that they nurture through years of experience and they are not set of giving it. Doubts relating to threats in position exist among managers that impede them to be one in meeting the intranet prospects. Likely, each function performs in a world different from the others and concentrates on meeting the objectives of their particular area only. Knowledge capturing by intranet system differs from person to person interaction in conceptualization of information. Knowledge barrier is evident in all concerned functions, particularly among Marketing and Sales role that speak their own language in performing their respective responsibility. The Intranet system does not bridge the differences of each area and utilization of knowledge for use by others. There is absence of common contextualization of the knowledge management system that makes it difficult to acquire participation of involved personnel. 1. The project fails to account the details of the nature of responsibility of involved function.

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