Saturday, August 10, 2019

Improving University of Bridgeport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Improving University of Bridgeport - Essay Example This causes me to be late for classes and I have had to miss a few tests in the process as I was locked out. This has been a problem for a while and I have asked for help in this regard but to no avail. As I drive a long distance, I am forced to set aside time to find parking space. I have had to face ticketing problems with police especially as there are sometimes no parking rules during emergencies. This makes it necessary for me to leave much earlier than I would have to if there was an adequate parking area. Many of my classes begin as early as 7.30 a.m. and hence I need to leave very early in order to make it in time. I think if the University can allot adequate designated parking areas for students it would make life much easier for students like me. Another problem I frequently face is that I do not get enough computer time for my research activities. There are always students waiting to find a free computer in the library, and a long wait for a computer terminal to get free is inevitable on most days. As mentioned before I do not live on campus and hence need to leave at reasonable hours. If the number of computers in the library could be increased, it could ease this problem faced by many of my colleagues too. I do hope you will look into the matter and find a solution

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