Thursday, August 22, 2019

FMC Aberdeen Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FMC Aberdeen Organizational Behavior - Essay Example The major issue in the structure of Green River hampering growth and affecting profitability is its authoritative management, bureaucratic culture and non-sharing of information, views and needs of the company by the employees between themselves and the management. But there is a system of hierarchy, which makes the views and ideas to produce a chain reaction, but the speed with which the reaction was occurring was not enough for the growth of the company. Hence an effective communication enabling system of structure and culture should be adopted by the management to make green river stand on the lines of Aberdeen. The crucial success factors are enthusiasm, emotional attachment with the company's growth prospects, career enhancement opportunities and performance based incentive appraisal system of and for the employees. First the employees must be assembled into groups and teams which make communication between different departments possible. This is necessary because when the finance department is ignorant of R&D's needs, it will be a suicidal aspect for the company in the long term, for the hampering in R&D work will effect the company's efficiency negatively. Similarly when purchase department is havin... This can be made possible making teams with employees from different departments and directly reporting to the Managers about the changes and needs of and in the company. These implementations will affect the profitability, ability and efficiency of the company positively provided they work in an environment that is conducive. The personal prejudices should not influence the appraisal process. The appraisal process may regard to the needs of R&D, purchase, and marketing. When the needs of customers and clients were not genuinely communicated to R&D wing - it never matters how high the personnel of that department may excel the company will never be able to deliver according to the needs of its customers. When the purchase department does not communicate with other departments the needs and necessities of those are not addressed properly and it in turn hampers the performance of employees and profitability of the Company. When the employees playing crucial role in the marketing department are more interested in technical matters the marketing done by the company will be just an artifact but never delivers. But in the Green River the teams and groups, which are a symbolic representation of modern corporate culture, which reduces the authoritativeness by improving conduciveness, responsibility and accountability, cannot be implemented overnight. The causes may be many. The ignorance and reluctance of employees and management to the new system, the employees placed in wrong places with regard of their interests, the absence of performance appraisal system which can make employee too mechanical regarding his work. These problems should be addressed in a phased manner. As a first step management

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