Thursday, August 29, 2019

Family Support Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Family Support - Case Study Example Now, her and Leon reside in a studio apartment in substandard living conditions. The toilet constantly runs, and there is peeling paint, which can become a safety hazard to the baby. Marceline and Leon have complained to their landlord about these issues; however, the landlord is not receptive to the complaints, though, he does allow Leon and Marceline to pay the rent late, so long as they pay in the same month and pay the late fee. Along with the financial trouble that she finds herself in, she is having relationship troubles, as Leon is very impatient towards her son, who obviously suffers from a developmental or behavioral problem of some sorts, and he is not at tentative to her, since the both of them have fallen into financial trouble. She has fallen into alcoholism to cope with life's difficulties, as she states that she consumes a number of alcoholic beverages during the evening in order to calm her nerves, and she abuses other substances from time to time. Leon engages in thi s behavior right along with her for the same reasons. Marceline is very confused about who to remain in a relationship with, as she has been intimate with Michael, as a result of troubles with Leon, and Michael wants to be in her life again, helping and caring for his son Michael Jr. Marceline is so consumed with her troubles that she has even considered suicide as a means to ridding herself of the current problems and frustration at hand. In addition to her relationship troubles, her son, Michael Jr. is having troubles of his own. Michael Jr. is twenty-six months old. He is extremely avoidant, and has significant troubles communicating his wants and needs. He does not try to talk, and he throws tantrums on an almost constant basis. His young mother is so overwhelmed with him that she takes him over to his grandmother Grace's house, who is the mother of Michael Jr.'s father, and this woman also wants to take full custody of him because she feels that she is able to care for him bett er than his mother, who has even stated, out of frustration, that she has no desire for him, as she regrets having this child because she is unable to bond with him, due to his behavioral issues. Marceline is actually willing to give this child to Michael and his mother Grace without issue because the baby already spends a significant amount of time over at Grace's house, and Leon is in agreement. Though Marceline is frustrated with her son's behavior, and though she is fed up it is noticed that this is not what she wants to do, as she ends her first session by stating that she wishes to move in with Grace and her first love, Michael. In order to repair this family's situation and bring about stability, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed in a systematic fashion. In order to even begin helping the family tackle any of their issues, interviews need to be conducted with parties will be significantly involved in the outcome of Marceline and her son Michael Jr. These individuals are the baby's father, Michael, Grace, who is Michael's mother, and Marceline herself. There is no need for an interview with Leon, as he is merely a man on the side, and Marceline's goal seems to be that she wants to restore relations with her husband and move into her husband's family's home. Though she states in the beginning that she wants to repair her relationship with Leon, this is not what she really wants, as her statement at the end of her session makes

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