Friday, September 6, 2019

Self Forgiveness Essay Example for Free

Self Forgiveness Essay Research on Self- Forgiveness is a topic that does not have much information, but the research known on this topic makes a distinction of the theoretical analysis of self-forgiveness is offer. In the recent years more questions has surface about interpersonal forgiveness, however intrapersonal and self-forgiveness has received little attention. Self forgiveness, interpersonal forgiveness, and pseudo forgiveness is a theoretical model that is use to explain the difference amongst the three forgiveness. Self-forgiveness can be found in social science literature. In this philosophy it explain how it necessary to have good-will toward self during the process of one self- forgiveness A person has who has offend must be able to accentuate self-love and respect in the face of one’s own wrong doing to be able to truly forgive someone and refrain from hurting someone else. The offender must recognize severe things and be willing to go through all the stages no matter how painful it is to assure true forgiveness, which should restore his self respect. In self-forgiveness restoration must be part of the process. There are three stages: Holmgren (1998); first, self-forgiveness, requires an objective fault or wrongdoing; second, negative feelings triggered by this offense must overcome; and third, an internal acceptance of oneself must be achieved. The psychology literature stated that self-forgiveness is when a person is willing to accept what he or she has done wrong to others, while still showing love and compassion to one self. Self-forgiveness can use a model called the uncovering phase where the individual goes through different cycles, which involves (denial, guilt, shame), decision phases is when a person has a change of heart. Work phase is self awareness comparison and the finally outcome for the offender which is to find a meaning or purpose to life. Self-forgiveness 3 Self-forgiveness has a set of motivation for the offender which helps them with the process of being able to avoid stimuli with the offense this process of self-forgiveness has begun. As for forgiveness avoidance is direct toward the victim’s thoughts, feeling and situation associated with moving to the next step with forgiveness avoidance. When this is achieved the person becomes at peace with his or her behavior and its consequences. When using the self-forgiveness and interpersonal forgiveness model it help the offender with retaliation and benevolence issue to be able to reconcile with oneself. Interpersonal forgiveness focuses upon the harm of the victims. An offender may try to avoid the negativity thoughts, feeling and behavior that can happen without forgiveness to the victim. If the offender does not accomplish this task when dealing with the transgressor this type of behavior may surface. This may also result in a self- estrangement or self destruction. Self-forgiveness 4 Forgiveness is one of the subjects that come up at my job and everyday conversation all the time for either the offender or the victims. This article concentrates on forgiveness and suggests that there are several ways that the process must be done to be successful for client. I do believe that it takes a lot of effort and hard work to truly forgive oneself for harming another human being. I believe that you must forgive yourself before you can forgive the transgressor. I agree you must be able to show love and respect in the face of one’s own wrongdoing, but if you can’t accept this or you don’t care I guess this would make forgiveness not an option. Holmgren suggests the elements of forgiveness is necessary for restoring self-forgiveness, which I think could be possible hold some type of connection. In psychology literature Enright stated one must be willing to abandon self-resentment in the face of one’s own acknowledged objective, wrong while fostering compassion, generosity, and love toward oneself. I agree that because if you have not let go of the past or forgiving yourself, then how is it possible to forgive someone else. If you hold on the hurtful memory from the past then you will not be able to forgive yourself or anyone else we must realize that we are merely human. Most of the time we do have set back for whatever reason I do believe have to continue to work at forgiving yourself if not it possible to become self-destructive, which could overpower the self-constructive motivation. Interpersonal forgiveness deals with does not imply reconciliation with the offender whereas reconciliation is necessary in self- forgiveness. Intrapersonal is not about condoning heinous behavior, glossing over the hurt or ignoring deep feeling you have inside. It’s about making yourself aware of how you feel about what you did to the victims. Forgiveness is a process of acknowledge and working through your feeling. Try to gain perspective on situation and letting go of being the victims and painful memories and emotions that exist. Forgiveness 5 When counseling a client who is having problems with forgiving himself for his actions. I would recommend that my client seek therapy for this type of behavior. I would use the model that includes mindfulness, self-awareness, self-knowledge ,experience, focus, and balance,because this seem to be a a good method for a client I like the step in this program. Grieco, (2009) she defines forgiveness as functionally rather that sematically. She believes that healing in a process that begins with eight steps. To forgive is to release all angry and hurt within, so you can release all negative energy. With her eight step she suggest: You must be willing to make change in attitude, express your emotions about what happen, don’t make expectation (s) ask for what you want with word or mouth and inner feelings. Open up and be honest to everyone what you need, make limitations and and take responsibility for their action and yours, visualize your personal space sphere a light around you FINISH THIS. Always use unconditionally love to person, see good in them and see good.

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