Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Integrated Case Assessment PowerPoint Presentation

Integrated Case Assessment - PowerPoint Presentation Example Strategies can be on different fronts and thus makes it important for the individual plans to be analyzed and verified accordingly before they are rolled out. The company should consider outlining strategies for every department within the organization as a means of enhancing efficiency. To this end, priority should be a factor to consider while outlining the individual strategies. Consequently, it is critical to point out that not all strategies can work for the good of the company. The strategies that have been employed by the company have been a success only to some extent. In fact, there is a need to revise the individual strategies so that a working plan can be enhanced. Strategies in the finance, operations, marketing and human resource departments have not been much of a success. Disharmony in the various departments has been experienced to the extent that synergy has been elusive. The strategies employed before in the respective departments did not take into consideration the need for all the departments to function as though they were one. Profitability has been affected to a large extent by the lack of coordination within the various departments. To this end, there has been a need to have the activities of the company work in harmony to ensure that efficiency and profitability are enhanced. To this end, there has been a need to revise the respective strategies for various departments. The department of finance should be strategically placed at a point of reference with respect to the policies that are drafted. Virtually all operations in the company depend on the resources. It is, therefore, critical for the company to include the finance department in every strategy for the purpose of aligning the company’s budget with other operations. In this strategic report, it is my prayer that we continue to position the finance department as a major driving force of the company as

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