Monday, September 30, 2019

Global Warming †Argument Essay Essay

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Many people across the country have been convinced that global warming is affecting us more and more with each passing day. Because of numerous campaigns by the likes of famous politicians such as Al Gore, the common citizen has been convinced that drastic action needs to be taken in order to stop global warming. However, contrary to popular belief, a large number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on global warming are needed. There are several points supporting both sides of the argument about global warming, however many of them that say global warming is indeed happening use facts that are very broad and that do not solely relate to global warming. For example, the director of the USDA’s Climate Change Program said that, â€Å"Global warming will cause an increase in the number of ‘miserable days’ over the next several years.† That is a very broad statement regarding global warming and its effects, specifically because â€Å"miserable days† can be interpreted differently by different people. In the very same article, the author, Jason Koebler, adds that last year was the hottest year on record in the United States according to NOAA. This, too, is a very general statement and can be related to the climate cycles that Earth goes through. Later in the article, Koebler explains that, according to insurance broker AON Benfield, â€Å"Much of the United States was hit with abnormally dry conditions as drought cost more than $35 billion in lost crops and killed more than 100 people.† This obscene statement is a false cause because you cannot assume that global warming is directly causing these statistics. The statistics can be modified by several variables that have nothing to do with global warming. The effects of global warming is a widely misconceived notion that thousands of people are tricked into believing by misleading statistics. Many of the facts that are published relate to the point of global warming but are not solely caused by global warming. In an article in The New York Times by Justin Gillis, he explains that global temperatures are the highest that they have been in 4,000 years. He is indeed correct about this, as well as the fact that it may be a consequence of human activity. In the article, he explains that â€Å"the planet will be at least as warm as it was during the warmest periods of the modern geological era, known as the Holocene, and probably warmer than that.† Statistics like these tend to lead people the wrong way, convincing them that global warming is taking a huge toll on our planet and that something must be done. However, what is usually excluded from articles about global warming is information about alternative causes of temperature increases, such as changes in the amount and distribution of incoming sunlight caused by wobbles in the Earth’s orbit. A second misconceived notion is that CO2 is polluting our environment and that we need to â€Å"decarbonize† the Earth, when in fact CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas, exhaled by each of us, and a key component of the biosphere’s life cycle. Overall, global warming is a serious matter that has been brought to people’s attention in recent years because of temperature increases. The attention that global warming gained has raised the awareness of thousands across the country to be more aware of how they are individually effecting the environment, which in turn has helped the environment. However, contrary to popular belief, a large number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on global warming are needed, and many articles have misleading facts that cause people to believe otherwise.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Human Growth and Development Essay

According to Jean Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development children’s cognitive development formal operations is established at the cognitive development stage of about age 12 to 15 years. This is reflected in the child’s ability to reason adolescence hypothetically and independently on concrete states of affairs, with the structures represented by the logical combination systems. The rates at which children will progress through the development succession developed by Piaget may vary from one culture to the other; in addition, different children vary in terms of the areas of functioning to which they do apply their formal operation, in line with their aptitudes and professional specialization. Therefore, this paper aims at making most of Jean Piaget’s theory of ego-centrism of childhood and adolescent to help figure out the reflection of de-egocentricity which is the essence of child and adolescent development concerned in the film The Outsiders through the character Ponyboy Curtis a 14 year old in the film. The film showcases a clash between two gangs, the greasers and Socs, whereby young adults comprise the gang members as well as their major protagonists. Introducing the Theory of ego-centrism of childhood and adolescence Jean Piaget a Swiss scholar started studying intellectual development in the 1920s, with the theory of ego-centrism of childhood and adolescence being of great importance to Piaget, and especially so in genetic epistemology. According to Piaget, egocentrism is the most striking deficiency that contributes to other intellectual shortcomings. In his definition, Piaget looks at ego-centrism as the tendency to view the world from one’s own perspective and having a difficultly recognizing the other party’s point of view. This condition is mainly caused by the fact that the child will only talk about themselves failing to put he or herself in the others point of  view. This is the case in the first two stages of Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Theory. The four stages in the theory are the first between birth to 2 years which is the sensor-motor stage, 2 to 7 years the preoperational stage, concrete operational stage between 7 to 11 years, and the final stage consists of formal operations from 11 years and above. Adolescents are observed to be less egocentric than the younger children, this is attributed to the fact that as they grow they become aware of the existence of others existence. Thus, it is believed adolescents gradually abandon egocentrism of children in many aspects. However, it is important to note that when these abilities first develop, adolescents may have a problem distinguishing their thinking from that of the thoughts of others. Therefore, an adolescent may regards others point of view with their own way of think; hence one will tend to think of how others will think of him or herself (Shi, 2014). On the other hand, de-egocentrism is based on Jean Piaget’s theory of ego-centrism of childhood and adolescence. The influence of ego-centrism tends to diminish with the coming of age, that is, adolescents tend to dispose of their ego-centrism along with the coming of age. Thus, the others can look at the process of de-egocentrism as the essence of children and adolescents abandoning their ego-centrism when communicating with each other, trying to appreciate the others point of view and trying to make they be understood (Shi, 2014). De-egocentrism in the film The plot runs by Ponyboy Curtis a young adolescent and a member of the lower-class gang greasers. The Ponyboy lives with his two elder brothers Darrel and Soda. Well Ponyboy seem to prefer Soda to Darrel since the elder Darrel tends to treat him as if he was 6 instead of 14 years. When the Socs gang attacks Ponyboy on his way home, Darrel blames him for not carrying a blade with him. From his point of view, Ponyboy feels Darrel is only blaming him since he is views him as another mouth to find and somebody to shout at. At this point Ponyboy does not understand why Darrel shouts at him, causing a misunderstanding between the brothers portraying Ponyboy’s egocentrism. He  regards Darrel with his own way of thinking, failing to understand him from Darrel point of view. Darrel sacrifices everything to see to it that Ponyboy is successful in life, and believes Ponyboy will never fail to live up to his expectations, however, all these is beyond Ponyboy’s understanding (Ford , 1983). According Shi (2014), Ponyboy’s egocentrism seem to be cast off when the brothers are reunited in the hospital. Ponyboy sees Darrel crying with tears rolling downs his chicks, and he realizes all over sadden that Darrel does care about him as he is trying too hard to make something of his younger brother Ponyboy. It is at this point that Ponyboy accomplishes the task of de-egocentricity through the realization of the importance of understanding others. During this transformation, Ponyboy undergoes a great deal of frustration, by which he realizes the significance of understanding others. With the casting off of his bias against his brother, he manages to distinguish his thinking on his own thoughts, from the thinking about the thoughts of his brother in the process comprehending his brother’s viewpoint. Ponyboy’s egocentrism gives rise to the breakdown of Soda his second brother in the film. Ponyboy might have loved Soda more than anybody else in their family; however, he failed to understand him. When Soda finally breaks, Ponyboy tries to understand Soda’s distress of breaking up with his girlfriend and his dilemma towards his conflicts between Darrel and him. It is from this point that Ponyboy starts attaching great importance to others instead of only himself, in the process giving up his ego-centrism, which his process of de-egocentricity. The brothers get to mature in understanding with the three of them understanding and realizing they ought to stick to together against all odds. Thus, the process of de-egocentricity helps them realize the importance of brotherly affection. Ponyboy and Cherry Valance a cheerleader at the school and the Soc’s leader’s girlfriend enjoy a friendly chart and share some interesting time with Ponyboy. They are both interested in watching the sunsets though from different places. Cherry is from the upper class while Ponyboy is from the  lower class, and despite this difference, they can enjoy the same sunset showcasing a level of de-egocentricity. However, Cherry will not accept Ponyboy as friend in public and evens warns him against it, displaying her ego-centrism. Later own Cherry’s de-egocentrism makes her stand in defense of the greasers when they are attacked by the Socs (Shi, 2014). Socialization Under human growth and development, socialization is a very important aspect. This is a process by which acquire behaviors and beliefs of the culture they live in, and this process is known to bring about three outcomes, which are self regulation allowing one to have self-control. The second outcome is role preparation allowing preparation of occupational and gender roles, and thirdly, is the cultivation of sources of meanings providing consolation and guidance. In the film The Outsiders, Ponyboy undergoes a complete transformation from hoodlums into a promising adolescent who peruses glorious victory through valiant deeds. Thus, socialization means adolescents trying to comply with set social norms which act a turning point in the development of adolescents. Jean Piaget is among the psychologists who believe that peers may contribute as much as an adult or even more to the development of a child or an adolescent (Piaget, 2008). For instance, Johnny is an adolescent as young as Ponyboy, who is seen to be gloomy after being beaten up badly by the Socs. Having been deprived of family affection he seen as the gang’s pet and everyone’s kid brother. Lacking a positive self-identity he is forced to seek self-esteem by identifying with the group ‘the greasers’. Ponyboy and Jonny develop great friendship and they get along well together. When Ponyboy has conflicted with his brothers he runs off to find consolation in Johnny (Shi, 2014). Conclusion De-egocentricity is characterized by the understanding of others among adolescents individuals, which is a reflection of adolescents’ internal coming of age is the processes undergone by Ponyboy. On the other hand, socialization signifies the consciousness of social norms to behave in a way that is acceptable to the society, which is an observable external behavior  of coming of age. Therefore, through a psychoanalytical study The Outsiders reveals a crucial process of young adults’ de-egocentricity and socialization so as their own values and fulfils the task of coming to age as Jean Piaget puts it in his Theory of Cognitive Development. Reference Ford, F., Hinton, S. E., Dillon, M., Macchio, R., Swayze, P., Lowe, R., †¦ & Waldspurger, R. The Outsiders (film). Piaget, J. (2008). Intellectual evolution from adolescence to adulthood. Human Development, 51(1), 40-47. Shi, D. (2014). De-egocentricity and Socialization: A Study of Hinton’s The Outsiders. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 4(4), 668-674.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Case Study On Brand Equity Marketing Essay

A Case Study On Brand Equity Marketing Essay Brand equity can be viewed both as an intangible or tangible asset and or liability. The tangible being the monetary value of a brand and best viewed as the amount of additional income expected from a branded product over and above what might be expected from an identical, but unbranded product. To best illustrate this point would be a supermarket, they frequently sell unbranded versions of name brand products. The branded and unbranded products are produced by the same companies, but they carry a generic brand or store brand label like No Name or Home brand. Store brands sell for significantly less than their name brand counterparts, even when the contents are identical. This price difference is the monetary value of the brand name. However, according to (Aaker,1996) the most important assets of any business are intangible: its company name, brand, symbols, and slogans, and their underlying associations, perceived quality, name awareness, customer base, and proprietary resources su ch as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships. The intangible value associated with a product that can not be accounted for by price or features is illustrated by globally renowned company Nike. I has created many intangible benefits for their athletic products by associating them with star athletes. Children and adults want to wear Nike’s products to feel some association with these star athletes (â€Å"be like Mike.† ) The marketing image that has been created for Nike is the driving force of the demand for the products rather than the physical features. Buyers are willing to pay extremely high price premiums over lesser known brands which may offer the same, or better, product quality and features. Ideally brand equity is a set of assets (and liabilities) linked to a brand’s name and symbol that adds to (or subtracts from) the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or that firm’s customers.(Aaker,1996) These assets, which comprise brand equity, are a primary source of competitive advantage and future earnings. (Aaker, 1996) The overall description of Brand Equity incorporates the ability to provide added value to company’s products and services. This added value can be an advantage to charge price premiums, lower marketing costs and offer greater opportunities for customer purchase The assets/ advantages of brand equity: Allows you to charge a price premium compared to competitors with less brand equity. Strong brand names simplify the decision process for low-cost and non-essential products. Brand name can give comfort to buyers unsure of their decision by reducing their perceived risk. Maintain higher awareness of your products. Use as leverage when introducing new products. Often interpreted as an indicator of quality. High Brand Equity makes sure your products are included in most consumers consideration set. Your brand can be linked to a quality image that buyers want to be associated with. Offer a strong defense against new products and new competitors. Can lead to higher rates of product trial and repeat purchasing due to buyers’ awareness of your brand, approval of its image/reputation and trust in its quality.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Abortion in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Abortion in USA - Essay Example Abortion, or the willful termination of pregnancy, has very much been in the forefront in public debate in the United States. The legality of abortions and the right to have one are topics very vociferously opposed or supported.It should be noted that abortion is not a new phenomenon. Abortions have been carried out in the world since a long time ago. There have been findings, such as various olden texts, that prove that abortions were being carried out thousands of years ago. Various religious texts have also broached the subject in one way or another. It can be safely assumed that almost everyone has an opinionated stance when it comes to abortion based on what they deem to be their religious, moral, ethical and/or personal beliefs. Though many countries have legalized abortions, in the United States, the debate regarding the legality has still not been resolved, despite the United States Supreme Court having made a ruling on the subject. A brief historical overview in this regard reveals that abortion had not always been illegal in the United States. It was around the middle of the nineteenth century that states started enacting laws that made abortions illegal (â€Å"History of Abortion†). However, religion or morality did not have much to do with it. It was actually based on the premise of increasing the population, and ensuring that the immigrant populations did not increase those of the older residents. The religious minded people got involved in the debate much later, especially upon the scientific discovery that human life began at inception and not at the end of the first trimester as it had been previously thought. However, with the outlawing of abortion, there was a trend of women, who sought abortions, to go to ill-equipped back-alley practitioners most of whom were not medically trained. This resulted in many complications and deaths. With the passage of time, in late twentieth century, some states did legalize abortion; however, by 1965 it was effectively banned, with a few exceptions like in cases of rape or incest, if the mother’s life was at risk, or if the fetus was not developing right. Then, in 1973, the United States Supreme Court, in Roe v. Wade, struck down all state laws that prohibited a woman from having abortion, thus, in effect legalizing it. Even after the ruling in Roe v. Wade, the debate has not died, and some states, with the support, or by the demand, of the public at large, have enacted laws that restrict federal and/or state funding for abortion, thus minimizing the scope of the ruling. The two sides of the debate that oppose or support it are termed pro-life and pro-choice respectively. Out of the many arguments that they give, some are being mentioned here. The pro-life group argues that human life should not be so easily dispensable. It is sacred and should be preserved. A person has not right to end another’s life. Moreover, if we seek to bring religion into the debate then most , if not all, religions prohibit abortion, therefore, people who follow these faiths should not engage in the practice. Those women who opt for an abortion, according to a lot of religious minded people, show their lack of faith in God and His Commandments and His Providence. They claim that if God blesses someone with children, then He is the One who shall also provide sustenance. Also, the pain that the fetus goes through during the process is horrendous, and the fetus should not be subjected to that. What is more, abortion may also result in severe psychological trauma to the woman involved and cause emotional scarring that may last her entire life. Furthermore, abortion can, and often does, result in various medical complications. The procedure itself is quite painful, and though it does not have a long duration, however, the medical complications it can give rise to may last a life time. These medical complications include infection, sepsis, cervix weakening, miscarriages in la ter life, difficulties in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Role and Functioning of Stock Markets Coursework

Role and Functioning of Stock Markets - Coursework Example Moreover, securities markets are further broken down into a primary market and a secondary market. A  stock market  is a private or public market for the trading of  stocks or shares  in companies at an  agreed upon price. These include securities listed on a  stock exchange  as well as those traded privately, also known as over the counter securities. A  stock market  is also known as an equity market (Papadopoulos, 2010). Primary Market and its Role: Primary market is the market in which newly listed companies issue their shares to be traded for the first time, changing hands from the newly listed company to the investors, mostly these first time investors are institutional investors for example pension funds, investment banks, credit unions. This process allows a company, the issuers of stocks, to acquire capital by offering their stocks to investors who in return would supply the capital required. Thereby making primary market that part of capital markets that d eals with the issuance of new securities. Privately or Publicly listed Companies, governments or public sector institutions can obtain funding for there projects in this way. Security dealers act as a bridge to link lender to the borrower of the fund. The process of selling new shares is called underwriting. The new stock issue is called an initial public offering (IPO). Dealers earn a commission that is part of the price of the security offering. (Papadopoulos, 2010). Secondary Market and its Role: The secondary market is an organized marketplace for securities. After the initial offering it is through this market that the general public gets the opportunity to be a stakeholder in a company. Licensed broker assist in the buying selling of these securities, along with the exchanges specialized trading system, in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the exchange (Alfaro, Chanda, Kalemi-Ozcan, and Sayek, 2004). When it comes to secondary market, investors in this m arket purchase securities from other investors in the market, rather than from the issuing company. In any secondary market transaction the cash proceeds go to the investors rather than the entity of which the original securities belonged to. The prices of the securities in this market are determined by the forces of supply and demand, this rule applies to every stock available for trading (Demirguc-Kunt and Levine, 1996). Overview of the functions of Stock Market: There are several  functions of stock market that makes it an integral part of the economy. It most important role is the channelling of funds or transferring of capital from investors to users of capital. This role of stock exchanges allows corporations looking to raise capital for enhancing their productive capabilities from investors in the primary market. The secondary market facilitates trade between buyers and sellers of stock and thereby enabling the investors to reach the true price of the stock or commodity. Th is feature of stock market is known as continuous pricing function. This feature enables interested parties to know at any time, what the price of a stock is. Price quotes can be accessed through financial websites and financial channels. This allows investors to assess the worth of their investment in a particular stock (Kale, Dyer, and Sing, 2002).   Stock market also plays the role of fair pricing. The workings of the stock market enable buyers and

Racial Prejudice in Cuba Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Racial Prejudice in Cuba - Essay Example The idea race was used to reconcile the ideology â€Å"All men were created equal but sanctioned slavery† because, at the time, most of the American slaves were African who supplied labor to the superior whites. In this case, the word race was constructed to explain why one group (African) labeled the inferior group was destined to slavery against one group (whites) labeled the superior group.2 Response to Question 3 The distinction between the races was initially created by the European when they conquered the new world and the American slave system. Thomas Jefferson (the man known to be the apostle of freedom) who was a slaveholder was famously known for being the first ever American public figure to justify between races through articulating the theory that supported the natural Africans’ inferiority (California Newsreel, episode3). Following the establishment of racial hierarchy in the American society the ethnics of the Jews, Italians, and other Europeans immensely benefited from the Federal policies and funding. It is noted that the real estate practices, as well as the regulations of the Federal government, gave directions that so white homeowners benefit from government-guaranteed loans. This made them increase in equity and wealth following increased wealth in their homes. Additionally, the white race enjoyed the services of the black slaves who worked on their coffee firms as laborious and home guards. The white race, as well enjoyed all the freedom, liberty, freedom, and democracy at the expense of the slaves who were predominantly of other inferior race. The distinction between races brought about both individual and institutional discrimination. In this respect, the unmarked race â€Å"white race† had accrued benefits not necessarily because of their merit or hard work, but because the laws, customs, courts and housing were all racial based. The Congress came up with laws that discriminated persons of an inferior race. For inst ance, the 1790 Naturalization Act, which made naturalization of citizenship mean free white heavily, discriminated against other groups destined not to be whites. Additionally, the Courts being institutions of justice were also discriminative. For instance, the Supreme Court discriminated against the Japanese when they acted against the naturalization act when it ruled that the Japanese was not white basing their ruling on science that classified the Japanese as Mongoloid but not Caucasian. It was the very court that had contradicted itself the year before, by ruling that the Asian Indians were not whites, even when according to science they were in the Caucasian category. There are various notable instances where individual discrimination was practiced. The first instance happened when Cherokee families were evicted from their own homes in Georgia which is to the west of Mississippi. This made one person out of the four evictees to die a long way. This showed clearly showed that pr esident Andrew Jackson as a representative of the executive discriminates against individuals since he defended the move claiming that it not the white settler’s greed that brought about the policy but the fate of the inferior race that was established midst the superior race. The ruling made by the Supreme Court in 1922 in Takawa Ozawa against the Japanese immigrant was also a clear demonstration of individual discrimination. There were various racial policies that were created to perpetuate white supremacy. One such dominant is the 1790 Naturali

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Integrated Case Assessment PowerPoint Presentation

Integrated Case Assessment - PowerPoint Presentation Example Strategies can be on different fronts and thus makes it important for the individual plans to be analyzed and verified accordingly before they are rolled out. The company should consider outlining strategies for every department within the organization as a means of enhancing efficiency. To this end, priority should be a factor to consider while outlining the individual strategies. Consequently, it is critical to point out that not all strategies can work for the good of the company. The strategies that have been employed by the company have been a success only to some extent. In fact, there is a need to revise the individual strategies so that a working plan can be enhanced. Strategies in the finance, operations, marketing and human resource departments have not been much of a success. Disharmony in the various departments has been experienced to the extent that synergy has been elusive. The strategies employed before in the respective departments did not take into consideration the need for all the departments to function as though they were one. Profitability has been affected to a large extent by the lack of coordination within the various departments. To this end, there has been a need to have the activities of the company work in harmony to ensure that efficiency and profitability are enhanced. To this end, there has been a need to revise the respective strategies for various departments. The department of finance should be strategically placed at a point of reference with respect to the policies that are drafted. Virtually all operations in the company depend on the resources. It is, therefore, critical for the company to include the finance department in every strategy for the purpose of aligning the company’s budget with other operations. In this strategic report, it is my prayer that we continue to position the finance department as a major driving force of the company as

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Communication - Upward Distortion Research Paper

Communication - Upward Distortion - Research Paper Example Hence instead of giving accurate information to the top management, employees often pass distorted information to the seniors/boss which often referred as the upward distortion of information in the organizational world. â€Å"It has long been recognized that employees are prone to distort the messages they transmit upwards, with deleterious effects on general climate issues and overall organizational functioning† (Tourish & Robson p.18). This paper analyses different aspects of upward distortion of information in organizational world. Distortion is anything that contributes to alterations in meanings as messages move through the organization. Distortions can occur for a variety of reasons, due to â€Å"load, message direction, channel usage, and the very composition of the [communication] networks themselves. It is no exaggeration to say that distortion is inevitable and unavoidable (Durden) As mentioned earlier, information is always passing from bottom to top (from employe es to management) and from top to bottom (from management to employees) in an organization. Moreover information exchange can take place horizontally also (between the employees). ... When the employees distort some information while communicating with their employers; it is termed as upward distortion. Same way while employers distort some information, it is termed as downward distortion. â€Å"Distortion of upward communication negatively related to the level of security and positively related to achievement needs; also positively related to the heteronomous organizational climate and negatively related to an autonomous climate† (Athanassiades). In other words, whenever an employee feels insecurity in passing certain information to the top, he will try to distort or twist it. Same way, whenever an employee likes to get some benefits from the organization, he will try to distort the information. Distortion of information occurs when the employees or the employer wants to protect their interests. For example, suppose a sales executive was heavily criticized by an important client of an organization for the delayed delivery of a product or service. In such c ases, the executive will never pass such information to his manager or boss. In other words the fear of consequences forced the employee to distort the information. He will inform his manager that the client was extremely satisfied by the product or service delivered. He will never say anything about the delays caused in the delivery and the subsequent unhappiness developed by the client. If the executive passes the information about the delayed delivery of the product or service to his manager, he will sometimes get punishments from the top. At the same time, if the executive was ready to provide such information, the manager could have taken measures to cool down the temper of the frustrated or unhappy client. It is quite possible that the client may rely on other product or service providers

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Human Resourses Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resourses - Case Study Example This paper analyses the human resources department of a Canadian multinational company called Alcan, in order to evaluate its HR functions. Presently, the concept of human resources have taken an important place in the policies of not just organizations, but of governments as well. There are many functions related to human resources. It starts from having a strategy for recruitment, because finding the right employee to fill a certain job vacancy is an advantage. The hiring process comes next with applications being scrutinized and different levels of interviews being conducted. Then comes the actual selection process by which the best possible candidates become employees or trainees in the company. The next process is to train the new recruits. Training includes activities directly related to the nature of a person's job. Then comes training in areas that are common to all employees. They include code of conduct, avenues of career advancement, safety procedures, bonus and other compensation plans etc. Performance appraisal is also a part of the HR department's functions. Devising plans for promotions and redundancy and their implementation come next. Another important function is employer employee relations. Maintaining a good relationship with company trade unions is of crucial importance. Proper recording of all relevant data of the employee including personal data, attendance, performance appraisal, eligibility for bonus and promotions is also a responsibility of this department. Another area is maintaining confidential and self appraisal reports of the employees. One of the most important functions of HR department is handling the career development possibilities of its more productive employees. Alcan: Alcan was incorporated in 1902 as Northern Aluminum Company. At that time it was the largest aluminum company in Canada and the world's third largest, next to its parent company Alcoa. It was renamed as Aluminum Company of Canada in 1925, and separated from the parent company Alcoa in 1928. In 2001, the company was renamed as Alcan Inc. Alcan and Rio Tinto Aluminum joined forces in the year 2007 to create Rio Tinto Alcan, in order to create new leader in the aluminum business. Alcan Inc is a leading global material company delivering high quality products and services worldwide. Alcan provides world class technology and operation in bauxite mining, alumina processing, primary metal smelting, power generation, aluminum fabrication, engineered solutions, packaging materials, delivery increasing productivity, competitiveness and profitability to customers around the world. The organization's aim is to serve the interest and needs of global and regional customers in all aspects of the al uminum, fabrication and packaging markets in order to deliver best value to the company's shareholders. Alcan's head offices are at Montreal, Canada and Paris, France. It mainly focuses on corporate strategy and growth initiatives, human resources and strategic capital allocation, corporate governance and compliance function. Another important focus is developing a strong leader and empowering employees. Alcan's strength is based on synergy of skilled people, market driven solution, advanced technology and its value creation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Recycling and Plastic Bag Essay Example for Free

Recycling and Plastic Bag Essay They are also cheap, light, durable, easy to carry and in many cases, free. The most commonly used shopping bag is made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). This type is used in the majority of supermarkets and stores. After these bags are used, they often end up in landfills or as litter, roughly only three percent of plastic bags is actually recycled per year (Planet Ark, 2011). The materials used in making plastic bags make them non-biodegradable. According to the science dictionary, 2011 refers to â€Å"these materials cannot be decomposed into environmentally safe waste materials by the action of soil bacteria. † These harmful substances are toxic and take approximately four hundred years to break down, or in this case photo-degrade; which is how plastics made from (HDPE) break down. Since they are not biodegradable, they remain in the environment and are absorbed in soil or water (Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment, 2010). This essay will discuss the various harmful effects of plastic bags, and demonstrate the risks that these bags impose on humans, animals and the environment. It will also discuss a series of suggested solutions that could help reduce plastic bag usage. Although plastic bags appear to be fragile and light, their negative environmental effect is devastating. Plastic bags may cause large amounts of pollution in every step of their limited life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, production, transportation, and recycling or disposal. Plastic bags can be defined as the most damaging form of environmental pollution. They can have a damaging effect on marine animals and wildlife in addition to the aesthetic effects on beaches, parks, and trees. Plastic bags are potentially one of the main causes of death to marine animals (Harbor keepers,2008). Up to one hundred thousand marine animals or more die each year from eating plastic bags which are mistaken for food. This can result in blocking the animal’s intestines and possibly lead to the animal’s death. Another possible situation is that wildlife, such as birds, can get tangled in plastic bags causing choking and immobility, which may eventually lead to death. (Senior, 2008) and (Citizen Campaign, 2010). In other situations, after plastic bags photo degrade they remain toxic and could be eaten by fish, shellfish or any other marine life and survive this allows the toxins to enter our food chain through bioaccumulation (Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, 2011). As a solution to these types of problems is taking action by educating and increasing the public’s awareness to the harmful affects that a plastic bag impose on our environment. Applying this would mean to get consumers involved in reducing the number of plastic bags they consume and instead of getting new bags they can simply reuse their old bags (Sea Turtles Conservancy,2011). Another important solution would be using bio degradable bags instead; these types of bags take up a shorter time to degrade and become environmentally safe to both humans and animals. These types of bags are made from natural materials therefore; they are digested if animals swallow them (Biodegradable Plastic Bags,2011). The harmful effects of plastic bags extend to affect human health and social lives. According to the US CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2011) suffocation has been a significant of death among children under the age of one. According to a report presented in 2007 by Clean up Australia, when plastic bags are thrown in the streets they may block the drains and result in flooding during heavy rain. Stagnant water in blocked drains may create a breeding ground for many forms of insects like mosquitoes, which can transmit dangerous diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and encephalitis (World Health Organisation, 2011). Reducing, reusing and recycling, in that order, could be the most viable option to decrease the social and health impact of plastic bags. Reducing the number of plastic bags can be applied by imposing a fee such as PlasTax. In 2002 PlasTax was issued in The Republic of Ireland, which is a fee on plastic bags. This new tax resulted in a ninety four percent drop in plastic bag consumption in one year (Convery F, McDonnell S, Ferreira S, 2007). The next step is to reuse, instead of disposing of plastic bags consumers should be encouraged to keep reusing their bags. The final step is to recycle the plastic bags, many supermarkets such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s give the consumers the option to bring in their old bags for recycling. In conclusion, usages of plastic bags are very limited unlike their infinite damages. They are harmful to health, the environment and wildlife. The solutions to put an end to the problems associated with plastic bags are available, cooperation between governments, shops and individuals is vital to take the necessary actions by reducing, reusing and recycling plastic bags.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Nutrition Health And Wellness Company Management Essay

A Nutrition Health And Wellness Company Management Essay Nestle is a nutrition, health and wellness company which was formed by the merger of Anglo-Swiss milk company and Farine Lactee Henri Nestle. Currently, this multinational Swiss company which operates in 86 countries with 443 factories globally has the largest revenue compared to other food companies. Nestle has approximately 8000 brands which consist of a widespread of products including coffee, confectionery items, instant noodles and many more. Sales at the end of 2011 were CHF 83642 million with a net profit of CHF 9804 million. Nestle has formed several joint ventures such as forming the Beverage Partners Worldwide  with  The Coca-Cola Company. Management structure Being a decentralized organization, Nestles operating decisions involving pricing, distribution, marketing, human resources and so on are made by local units. At the same time, Nestle is organised into seven worldwide strategic business units (SBU) which are responsible for high-level strategic decisions and business development. One SBU would focus on coffee and another on ice cream. These units focus in overall strategic development which includes acquisitions and market entry strategy. Nestle uses local managers in uniting worldwide operations, as well as managers who work overseas. Lastly, Nestle used management development programmes as a strategic tool to create one spirit among managers. The Research and Development comprises 18 groups which operate in 11 countries. Nestle spends approximately RM30 million annually on RD and has over 3000 employees involved in this function. Contents Planning Mission Nestle is a people-oriented system, which means that they believe in people rather than systems. Moving on, Nestle holds strong to the commitment of creating value for their shareholders. Nestle also strives to decentralize wherever possible to develop relevant products to meet specific needs of different cultures. Last but not least, the company is committed to continuous improvement rather than one off changes. SMART Goals and Objectives Nestles primary objectives are to be recognized as the world leader in nutrition, health and wellness, trusted by all its stakeholders and to be the reference for financial performance in its industry. To accelerate the achievements of these objectives, Nestle has provided a set of strategic priorities, which are to create shared value for both the shareholders and the society while being successful in the long term, implement the Nestle culture, values and principles in managing the company, and create sustainable plans that complies with the law. These goals are specifically stated, measurable in terms of the annual revenue compared with other companies, attainable as Nestle is to date still leading in the nutrition industry and relevant as there are over 283,000 employees worldwide operating Nestle Global. Lastly, the time-bound aspect only applies to objectives of various projects in Nestle such as The Nescafe Plan which aims to invest CHF 500 million in coffee projects by 2020. Action plans (strategies) Nestles strategy was to enter the market much earlier than competitors, and narrow down the initial market focus to a few strategic brands which consisted of basic food items like infant milk powder, noodles, etc. Such an approach concentrated its marketing resources and managerial efforts on a limited number of key niches. Thus a strong market position was built in each niche product. By doing so, Nestle conquered 85% of the market for instant coffee in Mexico, 66% of the market for powdered milk in the Philippines, and 70% for soups in Chile. The company then progressed to introducing mire upscale products into the market. The second strategy Nestle uses to penetrate emerging markets is through customization instead of globalization. Nestle owns as many as up 8500 brands, but only over 800 are made available in more than one country, which means Nestle ensures that only products with ingredients which suit the local conditions are made available to that particular country. Other than that, the growth of Nestle is also contributed by several strategic initiatives such as the creation of Nestle Health Science, formation of two major partnerships in China, investments in different country and acquisitions of other companies one of the most critical factors which led to the companys growth. S.W.O.T Analysis Strengths Nestle able to leverage strong brand name to generate sales, able to customize products to the local market conditions, has research and development capabilities. Weaknesses Nestle is introducing too many products too quickly may affect the brands value. Opportunities Nestle now focuses on developing economies worldwide. Threats Nestle had been allegedly charged of unethical business activities, such as indirectly supporting child trafficking. Organizing Nestle is a decentralized and aligned organisation which shows an organic design instead of mechanistic. As Nestle is a multinational company which operates in more than 80 countries and employs more than 328,000 employees, it is impossible for the Headquarters in Switzerland to keep track of all the departments performances across the globe. Thus explains why decentralised power has been brought down to lower level employees. This means that Nestle encourages lower-level managers to provide input or make decisions in the company. Nestles organization designs are flexible for employees as they are not subjected to a high number of rules as well as high direct supervision from the top management. Besides, time saving as decision making can be done quickly without seeking permission from the higher authorities. Other than that, highly adaptive to the competitive and unpredictable external environment. Nestles organizational structure is hierarchical, meaning there is a chain of command that extends from the upper management to the lower management and clarifies who reports to whom. Orders are given by the upper management to the lower while suggestions are given by the lower to the upper. This structure encourages employees to share new ideas. Formalization Jobs at Nestle are formalised as there are specific job descriptions, many organisational rules and defined work procedures. Nevertheless, Nestle constantly keep a pace with the changing external environment while adapting to the changes.Therefore the organisation is strict but not rigid. Functional Departmentalisation At Nestle, tasks are divided into separate jobs and then grouped under different departments. Each department is managed by a manager who specialises in that particular field. For example employees whose specialisation is in psychology or sociology would work in the human resources department with a HR manager in charged. Leading At Nestle, managers aim to be leaders who not only lead but inspires their employees to gear towards results which would in turn add value to the company. Thus, Nestle leaders are required to understand and practice the following concepts. First, each leader leads to win. A leader is expected to display exemplary leadership and achievements as well as innovation in thinking and be willing to take risks. Second, leaders must manage for results. They must be courageous in facing problems and give proactive cooperation to create synergies among employees and themselves. Third, a leader should help employees discover and use their talents. Lastly, leaders should continuously look for ways to satisfy customers and engage with external parties such as the stakeholders, community, authorities and so on. Besides that, Nestle motivates their employees by giving rewards and benefits. Those awards included Long-service Awards, Passion to Win awards and Nestle Idea Award. These awards are specialized to recognize employees. For example, rewards are awarded to employees who have been the company for more than 30 years, achieved targets or came up with relevant and innovative ideas. Nestles philosophy is to provide and maintain disciplined compensation programs which value long-term relationships with employees while recognizing individual performance. Nestle is also  committed to offering compensation packages, including base pay, short and long-term incentives and  benefits such as the Children Education Assistance Scheme. Communication is also important. Nestles management has worked honestly in dealing with people for  efficient communication. Transparency through sincere dialogue is the only basis for boosting continuous improvement in any aspects. Every employee has the right to converse with superiors or  colleagues. This motivates supervisors and employees to exchange opinions while influencing each other to complete a task. Furthermore, there will be no room for intolerance, harassment or discrimination of any kind  or lack of respect. This  principle has no exception and is to be applied at  all levels and under all circumstances in the company. Controlling Quality control One of the successes behind this company is the high quality sustained by the company over the years. Nestles product quality gives confidence to the customers and consumers in buying Nestle products and brands throughout the years. Nestle measures the performance and satisfaction by listening to customers feedbacks. When mistakes and shortcomings are analyzed, prompt action will be taken for correction and improvement. Besides, understanding customer needs and meeting the satisfaction of the customer leads to the high quality of the products. Adequate resources, equipments, procedures and systems are provided to sustain the high quality of the product. The company never compromises on food safety and always complies with all applicable regulatory requirements. Nestle strive for zero defect and no wastage when it comes to quality. They focus on zero defects while seeking opportunities for continuous improvement of quality standards delivered to the customers and consumers. Cost control Nestle sources their agricultural raw materials directly from farmers, thus reducing the cost of production. The raw materials that they obtain from the farmers are required to meet the quality and safety standard which has been set by Nestle. Nestle reduces the consumption of water by reusing the fresh water and treated water which is eco-friendly to the environment. This in turns reduces costs of the company. Workforce control Workplace is also crucial for the employee to perform their tasks at the optimum level. Nestle encourages their employees to further improve themselves in terms of professional skills and knowledge in all levels of organization through training provided by the company. It treats its labourers and employees with respect and dignity by providing reasonable yet competitive pays, bonuses, overtime pays and other benefits. Overtime is given until an extent where it is reasonable and complies with local laws and regulations. Key Success Factors of Nestle Quality Nestles success would not happen without excellent quality control of their products. For example, Nestle follows the specific steps of a milk collection system, which shows how dairy products are made and brought to the consumers table from the initial stages in the farm. Nestle also strives for zero error and continuously improve towards better quality to satisfy customers needs. Research and Development At Nestle, RD is a key competitive advantage which positioned Nestle as a world leader. In fact, Nestle has the largest  RD network than any food company in the world. Every year, Nestle invests about __% of their revenue in RD. At each stage of the product development process, Nestle further strengthens its  RD  capability through Innovation Partnerships to come up with more innovative ideas which can further improve the existing products. Innovation Nestle continuously tries to improve their existing products with more innovative ideas. For example, dry pet food (Purina Petcare) now comes with a side opening and a side-carrying handle to give more convenience to customers who are pet owners. Product Variation Nestle has more than 8000 brands which consists of various product categories such as dairy products, coffee, cereal, instant noodles and many more. This gives customers a wide range of choice to choose from thus attracting more customers. Packaging At Nestle, products and packed in a way to suit the needs of different people. For example, cereal like Coco Crunch is available in big boxes for families and smaller boxes for little children to bring to school. Nestle also uses their packaging to market their products and attract customers. For example, Milo packaging displays pictures of young athletes in order to give the youngsters the mindset that drinking Milo gives extraordinary energy and performance to them. Major Challenges Nestle May Face In The Future With the rise of sicknesses and diseases in this world, people are becoming more health conscious. Nestle, which claims to be a wellness and nutrition company must decide whether they want to take the risk by modifying products such as Maggi instant noodles by substituting MSG with organic ingredients. Secondly, Nestle will face the challenge of maintaining its position as the world leader in the food and nutrition industry. This is due to the possibility of incoming new competitors in the market. New companies which sell organic products at lower prices may be a great threat to Nestle. Besides that, as Nestle introduces more and more products, maintaining the quality of the production would be more difficult. Nestle would require better technology as well as employ more skillful and knowledgeable employees which could be a challenge as hiring good manpower requires money and time. Global warming and other environmental issues are worsening each year. Industries of any kind are expected to work towards green technology in order to sustain the environment. Currently, Nestle is slowly growing towards this aspect. However, in the future, Nestle needs to decide whether they want to invest even more in technology in this area.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

what if china discovered america? :: essays research papers fc

During the 15th century, the Chinese had one of the most advanced naval fleets known to man. As a result, China was able to establish many trade routes to places such as Africa, India, Singapore, etc†¦ If the Chinese wanted to, they could have sailed all the way to Europe and even as far as North America. However, the Chinese ran into some political problems that prevented explorations in the future. If they had continued their voyages, it would have been possible for them to have discovered the New World before Columbus. Had China discovered America before Columbus, our world would be different from what it is today. During the mid 1400’s, China was plagued with many political problems. Therefore, if China was to discover the New World, it would have been during the late 1300’s under the rule of the Ming Dynasty. As stated in Latourette’s book, â€Å"From the military standpoint the Ming was stronger than any native Chinese ruling house† (225). Basically in this quote Latourette is saying that during the Ming Dynasty China was at a high point in power. Because of the Ming Dynasty, China was strong and able again. If China were looking to expand, the best time would be during the Ming Dynasty because the Chinese empire was at a peak. However, the Chinese didn’t take advantage of their strong naval fleets and therefore they weren’t able to reach North America before Columbus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although it was Columbus who discovered the New World in 1492, China could have easily discovered it decades earlier. If China had discovered the New World, the culture of the west would be very similar to that of the east. Chinese culture would probably be the most dominant culture in the world, since China would have control of the east and west. â€Å"After freeing itself from it’s conquest by the Mongols, China was seeking to restore and preserve its cultural independence† (Latourette 238). The best way to preserve the fading culture of Buddhism and Taoism would be to spread it throughout the west. If the Chinese had spread their culture throughout the west, we might be speaking Chinese, not have freedom of religion, and we might be limited to Chinese beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Chinese navy in the early 1400’s was very powerful but unfortunately it grew weaker and weaker over time. The cause of this was that China ran into political problems which prevented future voyages.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How Radios Work :: radio

Radios are the most common wireless item in existence and are in most homes. We use them for entertainment, communication, as an information source, or even just back ground noise. For many of us radios are almost a necessity, but how much do we know about how they function? Antennas are one of the key pieces to a radio. Antennas come in a variety of shapes and sizes; they vary from large arrays to a small wire. Much of this variance is based on the broad use of radio waves and practicality; for instance you wouldn't use an antenna from a small radio to send a signal to a satellite. Antennas work by creating a resonating flow of charge along its element. The resonance is caused by a magnetic field fluctuating through an inductor that is fixed to a capacitor. As a magnetic field fluctuates across a conductor it causes charges to move. This motion causes an electro magnetic wave. The relations between the electricity and magnetism are explained by Maxwell's equations. Maxwell's equations are four equations that relate magnetic fields electric fields and charges and current. A radio wave is an electro magnetic wave. We modulate them using three different modulations, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, and pulse modulation, to carry information. For frequency modulation slight variances are made in the frequency of the wave to represent different bits of information. This is widely used because it is less likely to have static. For amplitude modulation the height or amplitude of the wave is changed to contain information. Amplitude modulation is not only used by radio stations but it is also used to send the picture part of television. Pulse modulation is where there are breaks in the wave to indicate the desired information. This is usually used for morse code but can be used for a few other things as well. According to maxwell's equations radio waves travel at the speed of light. The magnitude of a wave will decrease at a rate of r^2. Where r is the distance from the origin. This is because the wave is propagates in all directions so the same amount of energy spreads out over a greater area. But how can we get signals from beyond the horizon? Today we could use satellites, but you can also bounce a radio wave off of parts of the upper atmosphere. This can be done because the sun ionizes levels of upper atmosphere.

Examining the Ethics of Media Coverage of Celebrities :: Celebrity Obsession, tabloids

How far would you go to get that story or to snap that front page picture? How far is too far? The issue of privacy has taken a new toll, where do you draw the line? The news media (Toronto Star, CTV & CBC) are all networks that I believe still respect that value of privacy with the youth act not addressing there name or picture, or when it comes to getting the story it doesn’t seem that there exploiting people for the benefit of the story, on the other hand a lot of the debate and pressure is coming from the entertainment aspect of the media where a celebrity losses all privacy. My argument is that do we celebrities for the over exploitation on themselves or do we blame the tabloids/paparazzi. Is the way they go about in finding their stories different is there difference between the tabloids (shorten in length and full with pretty pictures ) and news media (an in debit look with blah black and white pictures). It’s not about the story it’s the story of how you got the story. I must come out and say I’m one of those millions of people that buy those juicy headlines reading â€Å"ANGIE AND BRAD DIVORCE â€Å"is KATE HAVING AN AFFAIR?†. It’s a guilty pleasure that I’m really starting to double think about what the truth is and what’s there to make money In then end its non ethical for us to be all involved in ones life. I know we all say its part of there job but when there own private life becomes front page and there whole family secrets brought on to paper for all to read, where do we draw the line when do we say enough is enough I love to know Kates favorite colour , but not when and where she’s having this affair I believe it ruins a family it’s a hard time someone is going through and we all can sit point fingers and laugh, but what happens when the table is turned on to you. You have the privacy to deal with the situation, and that what people need to understand yeah we enjoy the funny made up stories we can all read and laugh about, but serious life changing family situations should be kept private and dealt with within the family. I believe a person shouldn’t be exploited in a during a hard time just to make a dollar, and that’s why I can say I don’t buy any of those magazines anymore, bu t I do tend to pick them up time to time just to skim read.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Objectives of environmental education

Objectives of Environmental Education To define the Five (5) Objectives of Environmental Education. To conserve, preserve and utilize the used of our Environment. To have a deep understanding of the Environment and its problems. Introduction We, people are live in an Environment where we can able get our basic necessity so, It means that we are connected and dependent on our environment but as the year passed by we can able to noticed that there are some changes that Is happening to our environment specifically the shortage of food, climate change and etc. ND It was totally alarming. We all know that the world facing a lot of problems that sooner may leads to destruction and it will totally effects on the people's life. So, it is very important to develop the awareness, knowledge, attitude, skill and participation to be able to prevent the destruction to happen. And that's the role of environmental education. The E will give people a new perspective about the benefits of taking care of our environment and it will generate a big change not only on the people's life but for the future generation to come.And yes, it is our responsibility as people that we might find solution to those existing and to the future problems. We, people must be equipped with all those possible solution for the benefit of every living creature. Application Role play will be entitled â€Å"Change for the Future† that is inspired by the Objective of E. The class will group into two (2) groups.Each group must prepare a role playing here they can able to share the awareness, knowledge, attitude, skills and participation on the importance of the environment on us and how to prevent those problems that we may experience in connection Into our environment. Pointers It must apply the objectives of Environmental Education It must contain musical scene onto the play. It must be within 45 minutes. Everyone must have the role to play. Make sure that It Is Interactive and the audience can able to participate. Objectives of environmental education By Clark-Vida t means that we are connected and dependent on our environment but as the year passed by we can able to noticed that there are some changes that is happening to our environment specifically the shortage of food, climate change and etc. And it was problems that we may experience in connection into our environment. Pointers It must apply the objectives of Environmental Education It must be within 45 minutes. Everyone must have the role to play. Make sure that it is interactive and the audience can able to participate.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Prohibition of Cigarettes

Writing 101 17February2011 The Prohibition of Cigarettes I thought about the question, â€Å"Should the manufacture of cigarettes be prohibited† and I don’t really believe that saying â€Å"yes† to this question would be of benefit to those who are pro cigarettes or against cigarettes. The question basically appears to make out that the manufacture of cigarettes, and only cigarettes, should be prohibited. There are many campaigns against the usage of cigarettes as we can see television commercials clearly stating that smoking causes cancer or attempting to deglamorize cigarettes.Many people have seen the surgeon general warning on a pack of cigarettes claiming that cigarettes can cause â€Å"lung cancer† or â€Å"emphysema. † In a study performed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the study shows that between the year 2000 and 2004 that about 443,000 people in the USA died from a variety of illnesses due to cigarette smoking (citatio n 1). This would certainly be a motivation and a convincing reason to halt the production of cigarettes but we should analyze this proposition more in depth.I believe that the term â€Å"cigarettes† is too narrow to solve any problems, as not everybody smokes cigarettes nor would the halted production of cigarettes solve any public health problems. Tobacco is a better term as it is much more broad and would include cigars, snuff, dip, and other forms of tobacco that contain nicotine. Nicotine is the suspect found in cigarettes that causes an addiction but nicotine can be found in the other forms of tobacco.Stopping production of â€Å"only cigarettes† simply means that current cigarette users may, switch to another nicotine source, quit smoking, or choosing an alternative nicotine source such as nicotine gum or the patch. Having been a tobacco user in the past, I know most certainly that many people will not just outright and quit. Prohibiting the manufacture of cigare ttes means that it will be illegal to produce cigarettes but how about the selling or the possession of these products?It will be necessary to outlaw these points of trade if the intended action is to meet with success because if selling and possession are legal then it will be difficult to regulate the circulation of cigarettes within the nation. Though the making of cigarettes are deemed illegal by the government, the creation of cigarettes will certainly not halt as now cigarettes are almost equivalent to that of the marijuana drug trade as there will probably be many people growing and producing cigarettes.The police cannot arrest these people for possession or selling of cigarettes and cannot obtain a justifiable clause to obtain a search warrant to prove that the person may be manufacturing cigarettes which is deemed illegal. One last point would be the idea that cigarettes can be grown in another country such as Canada or Mexico and brought through the border with no problems as possession is not illegal. There are actually quite a few positive reasons to keep the cigarette trade going rather than shutting production down.I have been around the world through my time in the navy and I have seen one of the most popular brands of cigarettes â€Å"Marlboro† just about everywhere that imports tobacco. Take note that I mentioned the term â€Å"import† as in those countries do not make â€Å"Marlboro† cigarettes in their own country. Marlboro is a popular brand of cigarettes made under Phillip Morris which is a subsidiary company to Altria incorporated. Marlboro, in itself, holds about 42% of retail shares of cigarettes in the USA (Citation 2).This is certainly an income to our nation and though I’m uncertain of how much is made through the exportation of cigarettes; it certainly has an effect on the economy which is currently in a depression. Have you ever looked around base and noticed those supposed â€Å"smoke pits† or a designated smoking area? Those â€Å"smoke pits† seem to be next to just about every building on base. Did you notice how many stores sell cigarettes or even the cigarette vending machines here in Japan? How about in movies? Doesn’t the popular stereotypical â€Å"Bad Ass† person in the movies usually smoke a cigarette?Even though direct advertisement through television or magazines is prohibited, cigarettes are still very popular and many people do smoke them and not just in America. The cigarette trade is most likely a very profitable trade based on it’s popularity and demand which would probably put it as a very valuable source of income for the United States. Based on the many cigarette brands I’ve seen from traveling the world, I’ve seen that cigarettes are quite likely a major export for the states as many f these brands are originate from the States. I personally do not deny of the risks caused by cigarette smoking and myself being an ex-smoker, I certainly do not encourage smoking but the plan of prohibiting â€Å"just† the manufacture of â€Å"only† cigarettes does not reflect the best interests of those that are for cigarettes or against cigarettes. Cigarettes are a form of tobacco and the halted production of only cigarettes means that a regular cigarette user will move to another source of nicotine rather than quit.I know personally that quitting is a long process (I still chew nicotine gum four months after quitting). Prohibiting the manufacture of cigarettes in the United States but allowing the sell or possession simply means it will be produced where it’s legal and the carried over through the US’s borders with no issues. We can’t deny that cigarettes are very popular worldwide and thus contribute to the United States economy as a popular export since many popular brands such as â€Å"Marlboro† are made in the United States.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Leadership: Theory, application, skill development Essay

Over the past one year, the concept and skills that I have been able to learn is that of leadership. Leadership is an important aspect of life because in every situation in life, there is a form of leadership, although minor in some case that is observed. It is often experienced in homes, schools, businesses, organizations, and even governments among other areas in life. Although as an individual I have never been involved in any form of leadership, I believe that leadership plays a very important role in the existences of human beings in the world since through leadership, people are able to know what to do, at what time, how to do it, and what results to achieve in the long run. It was my belief that leadership is meant for the male gender and the females were not suitable for any leadership positions, be it political leadership, at homes, schools or any other place in life. There has been stereotyping in the society that women cannot hold leadership positions except for men (Steinberg, 2008). However, one Sadhana Smiles, who is a chief executive officer of Harcourts Victoria, a real estate group, disapproves this notion that men are the only people who can take top leadership positions. She however, says that a lot of women are rarely considered for roles in leadership since men prefer to deal with their fellow men and are more comfortable in transacting business with other men more than with women. At first, I knew that there is no difference in leadership. For me, anybody who gave commands and issued instructions was a leader. I was wrong. During the year, I read about different types of leadership styles and did my research through observation in several organizations, one being our school as well as my church. I discovered that the frequently applied leadership styles in many organizations across the globe include transformational leadership and the transactional form of leadership (Kippenberger, 2002). Under the transformational leadership I learned that the leaders get an opportunity to give inspiration to the employees, so that the employees can perform beyond their normal duties. I also learned that leaders are people who are capable of performing the functions of showing direction, aligning, influencing, motivating and inspiring of the people they lead. On the other hand manager is simply someone who is capable of planning, budgeting, organizing and allocating resources and can control and resolve problems easily. In addition, leadership can be explained by use of many theories such as the traits theory, behavioural theory, and the contingency or situational theory which include theories such as the path-goal theory (Lussier, & Achua, 2010). Therefore, with the considerations of the above aspects and example on leadership, I realised that leadership is a very important at all levels in an organisation, and within the society. In addition, I realised that in leadership, what can work in one context may not be applicable in another. Culture is also another issue that I got to understand plays a great role in application of the theories of leadership. It is therefore, recommendable that women should be given equal chances in leadership as men without any form of discrimination, something that I really support since women can perform just like men or even better. References Kippenberger, T. (2002). Leadership Styles. Chichester: Capstone Pub. Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2010). Leadership: Theory, application, skill development. Australia: SouthWestern/Cengage Learning. Steinberg, B. S. (2008). Women in power: The personalities and leadership styles of Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, and Margaret Thatcher. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Source document

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Everything Changes Essay

My existence started the day I was born. The day a new angel sent from above live the outside world. And day by day, life is changing and I’m growing up. After years had passed, I realized that only change is constant in this world. Because It seems so normal at all, but as I looked back, I realized, I’ve gone so far. Now, I’m a teenager, and life’s too different compared to childhood years. Childhood years were the time we were learning and copying insights from our parents, neighboors and schools, however it is also considered, to be the most enjoyable time in one’s lifespan. Childhood gives me freedom of doing what I want to do, to buy and to have. It gives me fulfillment on my daily routines and it makes me move outside of my shell. Being a teenager on the other hand, is a critical period of one’s life. During this time we, individuals try to adjust and adapt to our new environment. It’s because we experience changes in all aspects of our life . It is also noted that at this time of life we will automatically admire to our opposite sex. Being a teenager is quite fun but you need to be more responsible enough and learn to be independent for your own good. Teenage life is quite challenging compared to childhood life. This time, you already know what’s right from wrong. You’ll also need time management on your daily activities and you’ll be able to experience difficulties in life. While when I was a child, I play as much as I want, no one’s going to scold me every time I made mistakes and my parents spoils me a lot. A teenager chooses someone to be with while children’s don’t mind who they get along and company them, as long as they will enjoy to the fullest like the feeling on a cloud 9. On the other hand, being child is boring sometimes, not because we keep on repeating what we do, but because life is too dragging staying at home for security reasons. But even though how opposite our life way back 1990’s, we still find time to stand up and never give-up at the cruelty of life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Key Characteristics of Effective Leadership in Practice Essay

Key Characteristics of Effective Leadership in Practice - Essay Example A leader is an individual with the major influence in a group, whose role is to get others to achieve organizational goals. But 'leadership' like many other key concepts in management, tends to be viewed differently; depending on whether the orientation is behavioral, economic, or managerial. Ordway Tead has defined leadership as "the activity of influencing people to co-operate towards some goal which they come to find desirable" (Anon., 1999). According to George R. Terry, "leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives". Robert Tannenbaum defines the leadership as "interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specialized goal or goals" and Koontz and O'Donnell state that "leadership is influencing people to follow in the achievement of a specialized goal" (Harold Koontz, 1959). A review of these and other writers reveals that most management writers agree that leadership is the process of providing direction in group activities and influencing others to achieve group objectives in a given situation. From this definition of leadership, it follows that the leadership process is a function of the leader, the follower, and other situational variables i.e. L= f (i,f,s) (Hersey, 2010) Although influencing others for attaining group goals is the essential function of a leader, some of the important elements which can make the process of leading effectively is that firstly, one who leads is a part of the group, and yet he must maintain his separate identity if he is to continue to lead. Secondly, leadership contemplates interpersonal influence and close man-to-man relationship. It is rooted in feelings and attitudes that have grown out of reactions of individual personalities to each other. Thirdly, it is a dynamic and ever-evolving process; a manager must lead continuously. Finally, it involves directing, guiding and influencing the behavior of individuals and groups so that future actions and behavior are modified in the right direction. These four elements lie at the heart of a strategic leadership process where a manager is a leader directs, guides and influences the behavior of the employees keeping in mind the present and future business strategies of the organization and modifying and directing the employee behavior/performance in the right direction through the right means. This assumption would imply that for an effective leadership process it is crucial that a leader must be in a position to understand and evaluate the strategic intent of the firm and a leader must have the personality and attitudinal qualities in order to lead. As stated earlier that for an effective leadership process a leader must be knowledgeable so that he can evaluate the business strategy and direct the performance of the employees, it becomes the central reason to understand why managers can make good leaders (Senge, 1990).  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Product Design in Cyberspace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Product Design in Cyberspace - Essay Example This can facilitate them in their negative activities and can be a potential source of harm for the peace of the society as a whole. People who are in such professions that require use of GPS have little trouble accessing it even if it is not available through Ebay. However, others that are not in a position to purchase GPS from their local areas can easily purchase it on Ebay and use it for whatever purpose they want. There are many areas where people are supposed to get a license to keep a GPS with them because it is a potential source of help for criminals particularly when they want to perform their act in groups. Likewise, GPS software should also not be allowed to sell on Ebay because of the same reason as that for GPS device. Worst thing people have a problem with at Ebay: Worst thing people have a problem with on Ebay is that it does not allow sale of any kind of medication (Hubpages, 2011). Fake medicines are common in a lot of underdeveloped countries. In these countries, p eople produce false medicines in the name of real ones in order to make profits on the cost of customers’ life. People are highly skeptical about the quality of medicine they purchase. Medicines are already very costly.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Golden Rule In Philosphy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Golden Rule In Philosphy - Essay Example The researcher states that throughout history and in every culture, some concept of religion has emerged to greater or lesser extent. The Golden Rule is a concept that seems very simple on the surface but that actually delves deeply into just what it means to be human. While its simple instruction to treat others as we would like to be treated seems straightforward enough, there are infinite nuances as we attempt to discover just how we would like to be treated and how that might translate to someone who has different likes, dislikes, values or traditions. Thus, we are asked to understand an individual’s differences from ourselves even as we are instructed to treat them as if they were ourselves. This simple yet complex concept has been taught to people throughout the millennia of human existence through almost all of the world’s major religions in each time period and culture to greater or lesser extent. Its prevalence throughout history defies any attempt to attribute this to mere coincidence and begins to suggest some form of divine universal code. Regardless of whether one believes in God, a concept of God under another name or is limited to placing one’s faith in science alone, the Golden Rule has a tendency to create belief in a universal order that cannot be denied. Even should one be only capable of accepting the practical element of the Golden Rule, understanding that treating others with the respect and dignity one expects to be given is necessary to accomplish social and personal goals.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strategic Management analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Management analysis - Essay Example However, since the use of petroleum products began, the adoption of other forms of fuel process has been slow. With the coming of companies like Better Place, the use of electricity to replace oil has been taking root. This company is motivated by the fact that the rise use of Electric Vehicle is slow, despite the fact that these vehicles are environmental friendly. The company has its own mission and vision that refine its focus in the automotive industry. The company’s mission is to first reduce and later eventually eliminate the use and dependence of oil in automobile industry. This mission defines the company’s focus and what it does differently to create value. This is a global company captivated to creating the world a better place. It works with stakeholders in automobile industry to enhance the spread of EVs. 1.2. Vision The company’s vision is to integrate car companies with the other companies like the battery and utilities companies, and consumers in a way that will enhance an increase in the use of EVs. This vision shows the belief of the company that the only way consumers can adopt EVs in a massive way is by overcoming the main challenge behind the use of EVs, which is its mobility. This belief differentiates the company from other value creators who believed that the massive adoption of EVs will be possible only when the battery capacity is increased. This increase will help cars travel over a hundred miles that are currently possible. Therefore, the company believes that it can achieve the generating of EVs by re-engineering cars and not batteries. This is possible by working on the available technologies and involving the relevant profiles in the automobile industries (Rothaermel 2013). 1.3. Stakeholders The table below maps the stakeholders in Better Place Company Stakeholder Claims and Interests Class Investors Transport project that would have higher returns, receive positive image, and innovative. Key player Government Developing a sustainable transport system Key player Auto Manufacturers developing a sustainable transport system Key player Regulatory Bodies Receive information and regulate organization behavior Keep Satisfied Technical specialists Specify the required technologies to meet the company’s requirements Key player Customers Make successful transitions Key player Program manager Budgeting Keep Informed The government and auto manufacturers are in support of a sustainable transport system. Their failure to acknowledge EVs in some instances is a threat. Customers desire to be relieved from the high cost of oil opt for EVs. The company is interested in reducing pollution and consumption of oil. The project is vital in reducing the increasing economic costs that come with high dependency of oil in different industries including transport. To effectively address the concerns of stakeholders, the company needs to integrate the working of different stakeholders to share ideas (Abernat hy, J and Utterback 1975). In addition, customers need to be educated on the significance of EVs. Finally, the company will work to show admirable results in short period to attract more investors. 2. Industry Analysis and Scenarios 2.1. Industry Analysis Better place has can establish its strategy beyond the suppliers bargaining power. The company has numerous suppliers located in different countries who can give vehicle products and other services. In addition, the customers are located in different countries like Australia and United States of America. The main substitute for EVs is the oil. This product has received numerous criticisms regarding its emission on the environment. In a nutshell, suppliers are forced to embrace new initiatives that are environmental friendly (Thompson et al.

Monday, September 9, 2019

C.S.I. Movie Analysis and Review of Episode 321 FOREVER Essay

C.S.I. Movie Analysis and Review of Episode 321 FOREVER - Essay Example The episode is about a horse that stomps her trainer to death aboard a luxurious personal jet. This horse is then quarantined by a vetenary officer after the jet landed. Things become suspicious when the horse suddenly dies and the vetenary officer disappears (CSI Ep 21.). Conversely, another incident happens where two teenagers have been alleged to commit suicide and their bodies found in the middle of the desert. Detectives from CSI look at this cases separately to determine the truth behind them. The trampling death of the horse trainer is investigated by Grissom, Nick and Catherine. Warrick and Sara look into the two teenagers (Romeo and Juliet) scenario in the desert. Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) is an American crime and drama television series that premiered in 2000. This series follows The Las Vegas Criminalists in which the analysts use the physical evidence to solve murder cases in this unusual graphic drama. CSI has been acknowledged as the most popular dramatic series a nd has been awarded International Television Audience by CBS. It has also been awarded the Best Television Drama Series for the last three years. Most of the episodes in this television series deal with a team of forensic investigators who are trained to solve crimes based on the evidence that has been collected. They are specialized in collecting irrefutable evidence and find the missing pieces of the puzzle to unravel the mystery behind every case. A murder aboard in a deluxe 747 personal jet and the discovery of two formally attired teens found in the desert confound the chief analyst Grissom and his crew in this absorbing episode of CSI. First, a horse trainer is found dead inside the cargo bay of a privately own jet that is carrying 12 well –heeled passengers and a horse worth millions (CSI Ep 21.). At first, it appears that the victim was trampled to death; however Grissom and Catherine uncover evidence that suggest foul play. In a separate incidence, In Hell’s G ate section of Death Valley, CSI analysts Warrick and Sara probe the alleged suicide of a 15 year old boy whose body is found under a bed spread. This investigation becomes more intensified when a girl’s body is discovered half a mile away. This is one of the most memorable episodes in this series; it is not only well written but cleverly plotted. In the first case, Grissom and Catherine are in the quest to determine the cause of death of the horse trainer and the horse itself. Both of them go to the airport to gather pieces of evidence. They found some abnormalities inside the plane that insight them to carry out further investigations (CSI Ep 21.). When the horse dies, after it contracts uterine infection, they take it to the lab to determine the cause. After they perform an autopsy on the horse, they find diamonds inside the uterus. The crew on the plane orchestrated the death of the horse trainer to smuggle the diamonds inside the horse. Grissom says â€Å"uncut diamonds ? The horse is a â€Å"mule†. The horse trainer discovered the abnormalities in the horse and when he tried to help the horse, it stamped on him causing his demise. But, this was not the real story, the vet that was waiting for the horse at the airport knew about the diamonds. The killed the horse trainer because he was going to blow their cover and the diamonds could have been discovered. In the second scenario, a boy is found dead at the dead valley. It is a strange scenario to find a boy dressed in a suit who

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Public Relation Strategy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Relation Strategy - Term Paper Example The company’s business line is the provision of greetings cards to the market, specifically traditional, Arabic, and Islamic cards. This business is based on the importance of celebrating traditional, social, economic, and political occasions. Most importantly, traditional celebrations are prioritized due to the fact that they constitute the majority of social celebrations that occur at different times of every year. A public relation strategy comes in handy for the operations of the company, due to the high-level publicity and exposure that the company needs in order to market and sell its products (Wilcox & Cameron, 2011). These products include greetings cards, musical greetings cards, gift boxes, musical gift boxes, and gift wrapping papers. On the same note, all the aforementioned products can be customized or non-customized. In order to facilitate efficient and effective information flow from the company to the public, the company has to understand the nature of the environment within which it operates. This has to consider the target market, competition level, consumer tastes and preferences, public notion on the company’s products, and the most appropriate approach to use towards the public and all other stakeholders factored in the public relation concept. The idea is to create a company image and brand that the public wants to associate with. The public relation strategy for the company is made up of five components, all of which are central to the business operations undertaken by the company. These are: knowing the market, using technology, media relations, social awareness, and monitoring the web (Wilcox & Cameron, 2011). Knowing the market entails identifying the target market. Product definition by the company identifies the target market. All persons who engage in traditional celebrations constitute the target market.  

Rephrasing Aging behaviour of 17-4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rephrasing Aging behaviour of 17-4 - Essay Example Continuously, layers of powder are deposited in a repeated cycle until the desired 3D structure is produced . DMLS process ensures production of parts that are fully dense and that require minimal post-processing activity. The DMLS process compares to another AM process popularly known as the Selective Laser Sintering (SLS). Conceptually, both SLS and DMLS are similar however, DMLS uses uncoated pre-alloyed metal powders for the sintering material, unlike SLS which utilizes coated metal powders or polymers . The final outcome of the DMLS procedure is characterized by fine or metastable microstructures , which at times may differ with the set international standards of conventional manufacturing. Moreover, further investigation into the mechanical properties of the microstructures resulting from the DMLS process is necessary to ensure that the structures produced are compatible and able to support the practical use they are intended. During the DMLS process, yielding begins at low values of about 600 Mpa due to the complexity of the process which results from the multiple constituents and interactions of the microstructure formation, especially precipitations. During the process, the structures may have large hardenings which may elicit discrepancies on the part of micro hardness and yield stress as a result of the strain induced transformation of the austenite. The austenite transformation occurs when the whole or part of the plastic field and the accumulation of twins is retained. The low twining probability in austenite may be attributed to the rapid nucleation of the martensite plates within the high twinned austenitic regions, which causes continuous strain-induced transformation along the plastic field. In addition, the accumulation of twins in the martensite affects the plastic flow providing increase in strain hardening ability . The presence of retained austenite material may significantly influence the mechanical composition

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hotseating evaluation Essay Example for Free

Hotseating evaluation Essay I played Benvolio in the hot seating exercise. The majority of the questions were asked about my relationship with Rosaline. The first and the most challenging question that I has asked in role was: If youd have to chose between your family and Rosaline, which one would you chose?. I found it very difficult to answer, because Benvolio does love Rosaline very much, but would he leave his family, who has raised him for all of his life, for a girl? I believed that at that point Benvolio would leave almost everything for Rosaline. He was blinded by love and his family wanted revenge, whilst the only thing he wished was peace. Benvolio had deep feeling towards Rosaline and he truly believed that he has the power to win her heart and erase the hatred, only if he would give her time. Another quite interesting question from Plub was raised How did I know that Rosaline is not going to kill me in the elections of The Prince of Cats?. My answer was again referring to the fact that Benvolio was extremely in love with Rosaline It was in her eyes. She couldnt do it. This shows that Benvolio believed only the best of the girl. This hotseating exercise made me more optimistic that the peace can be achieved between the two families, because Benvolio showed strong feelings of love for Rosaline. Feelings that are strong enough, I believe, to destroy her hatred. Rosaline had already shown some moments of hesitation (she didnt hurt Benvolio in the end of the elections of The Prince of Cats) of her dedication to revenge. Therefore if he keeps on trying to win the revolutionary girls heart, I am sure that he can achieve the aim. The fighters without the leader will fall apart and slowly the massive hatred between the families will disappear. But on the other hand, I believe that the oldest generation will try to continue the war, but they are too aged and tired to accomplish anything recognizable. During hotseating I discovered that Benvolio is very straight-forward and open-minded person, who is not afraid to talk about his feelings. His character is sweet and gentle. But on the other hand after diving into his mind, I learnt that he was more blinded by love towards Rosaline that I thought All the answers to the questions were about creating a better impression of Rosaline that she is not a bad person by wanting revenge, just confused and hurt. I also wanted to put across Benvolios sense of hurt, because Rosaline is rejecting his love, by facial expressions and petite gestures. Reason of the choice of still images Still image one The first still image introduces the situation the hatred and suppressed urge to fight with each other, which is also referring to the theme of the play. Furthermore the first two characters, Valentine and Rosaline, both lost somebody dear to them in Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet, therefore are very revengeful. Even more significant is the fact that Valentine and Rosaline are representatives of the opposite families: Montagues and Capulets. This noteworthy detail and their violent movement suggest that there is really no truce existing between the two families. Still image two Benvolio is offering Rosaline his love, whilst she is still devastated because of the loss of Romeo. This as well is one of the main points of the play: Benvolio is trying to stop the endless fight by opening her eyes. But Rosaline is blinded and deaf by the dead love. The scene shows the levels of power to emphasize that Rosaline is the one who makes decisions whether to be on the same side of Benvolio or not. Still image three In the still image Revenge vs. Passion the levels of power are greatly highlighted. The situation is similar to Still image two, but in this scene Rosalines feelings have developed from mourning to hatred and revenge. This darkness has filled her heart and she cant even look at people who care for her, because they might distract her from the mission. From the mission of revenge. It is the ultimate theme of the play: Is Rosalines hatred strong enough to carry out the revenge or Benvolio will stop her with his passion full of love. Still image four Rosaline goes to the tomb to steal the sword that lies between Romeo and Juliet. It is the turning point of the play, because now Rosaline has dangerous weapon. As previous still images have shown, Rosaline is full of rage and wants to spill the blood. And now she has the right tools for it. There is high range of tension, because Rosaline is having a monologue with dead Juliet her jealousy and disgust, as well as nasty insultings became more powerful with each sentence. This suggests that she is confident and ready to have the revenge. Still image five The election for Prince of Cats has commenced. We chose this still image to show the audience will officially peace begin or revenge takes its chance. People on Rosalines side represent the rage and eager to fight, while Petruchios side is full of peace. As well as we can see from the still images, there are more people on Rosalines side, which means that the revenge will continue. Alice is in between the two leaders. With that point we wanted to represent the fact that she loves Petruchio, but the urge to fight it too strong. Still image six The last still image signifies the testing of Rosalines love and revengeful feelings. She lays her sword on Benvolios chest. Rosaline does not cut nor hurt him; however she has the chance, which means that even though her heart is full of hatred, there is hope for it to cool down. There is hope for peace. But still the war hasnt ended, because nobody laid their weapons down.