Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dq6-Terence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dq6-Terence - Essay Example A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system designed to help a manager choose one of the several possible solutions to a problem (Tripathi, 2011). Today, it is possible for an organization to automate certain decision-making processes in a huge, computer-based DSS that is sophisticated enough to analyse a huge amount of information quickly. As a system, some of the elements that constitute a DSS are models for collecting data, personnel, databases, processes, software and equipment. It helps an organization to increase its market share, cut costs, increase profits and improve the quality of services and goods. For instance, a national revenue authority may use a DSS to bring more citizens into the tax bracket, thereby increasing its tax revenue collections. Similarly, a manufacturer of detergent can use the DSS to determine the market segment that his competitor pursues. Once armed with this information, he can then choose to concentrate on the segment that least appeals to his opponent. The knowledge worker brings many benefits to his organization. Under this section, I’m going to discuss some of his/her roles and illustrate how a DSS relates to them. First, the knowledge worker analyzes data in order to establish links or relationships between/among phenomena (GSA Enterprise Transformation, 2011). For example, in processing applications for scholarships, a school administrator may want to check a student’s academic performance against his/her family background. Should the school have a DSS in place, this task should be relatively easy. The only the administrator will be required to do is to look at the student database, which is a key component of the DSS. Another role of the knowledge worker is to brainstorm, that is to think broadly. For instance, a town planner who is faced with the task of preparing a redevelopment plan for a declining area of inner city has to evaluate and

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