Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Management - Assignment Example An internal customer could be anyone within the organization. For e.g. Jessica and her team is an internal customer for the accounts department of that company because Jessica's team can not serve the suppliers and customers well until they have proper information from accounts and they are dependent on accounts. The suppliers were unhappy because they were given incorrect information at one instance and they rejected the products because some inputs were not of quality. This caused embarrassment and could have been prevented by close internal coordination. Another way of coaching employees, so that they can effectively fulfill customer needs, is to hire external consultant or auditor who periodically monitors their performance and can guide and train them. The customer service department at medical company was not in close communication with top management and their complaints and advice were not given due importance. Thus it will result in low motivation, poor customer service and people may tend to leave as their suggestions were not considered important in the organization. I have selected State library as the service provider organization as I have been interacting with this library for quite some time. The library provides a great environment to study with latest books on all subjects; magazines, periodicals, newspaper plus internet facility. The library is famous because it has taken in to accounts the needs and wants of their target customers who are between age 18 to 50. They conduct surveys to know about the preferences of the subjects of various age groups and keep the books according to it. The customer service policy of the library is attached at the end in appendix. ENSURING QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE The library through feedback process keeps themselves aware of the changing needs of the customer. Their staff go for unofficial visits to other libraries to observe what other best services are being offered there. This helps to improve themselves. Moreover they also take help of the best librarians of the country who guide them as to how they can improve their services. RESPONDING TO FEEDBACK The feedback from the customer is taken through the feedback forms placed at the entrance. Moreover a monthly feedback is taken from the permanent members of the library. Most of the customer's requests are regarding a new book or magazine to be kept in the library. They try to arrange that book and then personally inform the customer about the status of his request. The employee base of the

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