Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Supervision and Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Supervision and Law - Coursework Example To that effect, the supervisors often use humiliation and embarrassment as a management tool. The law requires the correctional workplace to be favorable to the employees (Lombardo & Schroeder, 2013). Good supervision improves motivation, job satisfaction, and staff confidence. However, ToersBijns (2013) notes that the correctional workplace is filled with fatigue, tension, stress, and anxiety that are all a perfect formula for burnout. The officers suffer from sleep deprivation and shift disorientation working for odd hours as well as the overtime in order to make up for the staff shortages and follow the supervisor’s requirements. On one hand, the administration demands perfection, while on the other hand, the general public is eager to understand how the correctional officers are doing their job. As for the correctional facilities officers, the longer one works in an incarceration facility the harder they can find positive things in life and often plunge in low-self esteem, depression, and aggression. These emotions are signs of burnout and distress and occurs to e very officer that come to work daily. If the law is not adequately addressed, the supervisor often frowns upon the sick leave, thus denying the officers a work-life balance. Most officers cite the the supervisors as their main nemesis toying around with shifts, rotating the posts, and changing the personnel rules, along with psychologically detrimental issues play into the fatigue factor and drive down the performance and morale of the officers. ToersBijns, C. (2013, April 3). Correctional Officers: Victims of Abuse by Negativity. Retrieved April 15, 2015, from

Monday, October 28, 2019

Twelve Who Ruled and Robert Roswell Palmer Essay Example for Free

Twelve Who Ruled and Robert Roswell Palmer Essay The book, Twelve Who Ruled, covers a very complex period, the French Revolution. Robert Roswell Palmer; author of the book, brings our attention of twelve men who have a chance to change society, institutions, and political beliefs. Palmer takes our thoughts drawn to the brutality and dictatorship of this time period and shares with us how idealism can conrupt and damage a nation as a whole. Oppression is the sense and theme of emotion I feel when reading this book. How can a man like Robert Roswell Palmer be an author of a well-written masterpiece? Robert Roswell Palmer or professionally known as R. R. Palmer, was born on January 11, 1909 in Chicago, Illinois. In high school, he accelerated in his academics. Motivated by his teachers, Palmer competed for a citywide â€Å"Latin prize† and earned a full ride scholarship to the University of Chicago. He received his PHD from Cornell University in 1934, specializing in 18th-century France. Palmers talents brought him an instructorship at Princeton University in 1936. Palmer spent World War II in Washington, D.C., where he put his intellectual skills to work for the War Department. Palmer married Esther Howard in 1942 and had three children. After the war and progressing in his marriage, he was a proud supervisor and contributor of a project that resulted in the postwar publication of two volumes, Organization of Ground Combat Troops (1947) and Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops (1948). After the war he returned to Princeton where he taught for three decades and authored seven of his books, Catholics and Unbelievers in 18th-Century France; published in 1939, Twelve Who Ruled; published in 1941, and The Improvement of Humanity: Education and the French Revolution; published in 1985, Rand McNally Atlas of World History, first published in 1957 and still used today by many college professors. At age 43 he was named Princetons Dodge Professor of History from 1952 to 1963 and he began the latter part of his academic career by assuming administrative duties as Dean of Arts and Sciences at Washington University, St. Louis from 1963 to 1966. Later on he returned to his first passion, writing and teaching. At the age of 60, he accepted a professorship at Yale University, from which he retired in 1977. Palmer returned to Princeton where he was a guest scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study. For the last several years, Palmer and his family lived at Newtown, Pennsylvania and where he would pass away on June 11, 2002. Palmers career earned him many honors. This includes service as president of the Society for French Historical Studies in 1961 and the American Historical Association in 1970. He was an active member of the American Philosophical Society and the American Academy of Arts Sciences. He held visiting professorships at the Universities of Chicago, Colorado, and Michigan, and at the University of Califomia at Berkeley. He was the recipient of several honorary degrees in the United States as well as in Europe. Italys Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei awarded him the Feltrenelli Prize in 1990 in recognition of his lifetime scholarly achievements. R. R. Palmer is a valid source of wanting to know the French Revolution. From knowing his academic background and his well high positive representation, he is a healthy source. Reading his book, Twelve who ruled, seems as if he personally knows the twelve individuals. He brings this time period of great oppression during the French Revolution to life as you progress reading into his book. This book is a great book and a well written masterpiece that will open your eyes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Implications of Internet Censorship Essay -- Critical Thinking Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract:   This paper deals with the ethical and social implications inherent in filtering content online.   As exposure to the Internet penetrates deeper into mainstream lives across all demographic groups, there has been increased concern about the ability of children to obtain access to printed and graphic material believed to be detrimental to their development and/or well-being.   Not only could this material be argued to be damaging, it could possibly lead children to act violently or maliciously towards others.   Proponents of filtering objectionable content argue that through such means society will be able to utilize the power of the Internet to acquire information, while still adhering to certain community values regarding the welfare of children.   Numerous critics of this argument claim that by filtering Internet content, society would be crippling individuals' right to use the power of the Internet for free-speech.   They argue that not only will unregulated speech be discouraged, but that the means for filtering are themselves inherently imperfect, often restricting worthwhile content from reputable queries. While not a complete solution to the dilemma, perhaps enforcing an instituted rating system on web pages might be an effective means for working past the unpredictable nature of content filters.    Just one decade ago few could have envisioned a world where scientists, business professionals, media agencies, activist groups, and children all over the globe would have access to equal common material via an online medium.   Originally started as a small interconnected network for government agencies, educational institutions, and computer researchers to trade information, the Internet has permeated the daily ... ...n Law Firm,    The Internet Police.    "Information about Labeling and Rating Systems". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Communications Decency Act," Yahoo!. Communications DecencyAmendment (full text of final language passed by the u.s. senate on June 14, 1995). "Internet Indecency and Communications Decency Act," University of Texas. "Net filters strain to block sites,",

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Kingfisher Airlines Essay

Background: Kingfisher airlines started out as a UB group subsidy, a USD 2 billion diversified conglomerate, which holds more than 60 companies under it which are associated with major industries. The United Breweries group owned the kingfisher airlines. Kingfisher airlines had then commenced its commercial operations in the year 2005 on the 9th of May. Operating with a fleet of four new Airbus A320-200’s, kingfisher airlines had its first travel from Mumbai to Delhi. Subsequently the airliner had even commenced its international maneuvers on the 3rd of September 2008, by interlinking Bangalore and London. However it faced a worsening economic scenario since 2008. The mighty airlines in the present day scenario is facing many bankruptcy problems, pushing the airline to ground many of its destinations and aircrafts. Introduction: It was the year 2006, when kingfisher airlines got listed in the stock exchange after it had been setup in the year 2003. The present day situation for KFA is that it has a staggering Rs.8200 Crore debt and the money to pay for fuel, salaries and airport fees etc. is running out. Due to this KFA has lost all its hopes and has pleaded the government to give them a total  bailout but according to market analysts, the actual flaws in KFA’s business plans and the functioning are due to the endless woes of it , which is the major root problem of the airline. So my research question for the current commentary would be â€Å"Will kingfisher airlines be able to recover from the present debt crisis using the current financial strategies?† Syllabus area covered: SWOT analysis Current Ratio Analysis GPM and NPM ratios – Analysis of the balance sheet Findings: When Deccan Aviation’s Captain G.R Gopinath was looking forward to selling off his airline, then is when Vijay Mallya who kept denying that he couldn’t even think of buying an airline whose business model is so different than that of his had suddenly put in his bid and apparently clinched the deal. It was an interesting deal because KFA had got the license to fly immediately and got immediate listing as soon as it purchased Deccan Aviation but it was not all good, along with the goodies they had even acquired the losses incurred by the airline. The promoter group of the airline that is the UB Group had an experienced set of officials to run its business which majorly includes Vijay Mallya himself. The Airliner’s second problem was that its chairman was acting like an absentee landlord and was concentrating on his other business. The third mistake that Kingfisher Airlines had made was that they could have first consolidated its domestic operations and then got into international flying as then the competition increases a lot and only those with enormous money resources survive. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Weaknesses Strong brand image Financial support from the promoter that is the UB group. First Indian carrier that started out with a whole new fleet of planes. Quality service and innovation Financial issues due to heavy debt borrowing The laying off of employees has caused a bad image. The maintenance costs were very high at ground and airline level. The company still has not met its breakeven. The ticket pricing was very high, not in the affordable range of the commoners unlike its competitors which are priced economically. Opportunities Threats Poor service of air India and problems of strikes in jet airways. Growth in air travel, the number of passengers has increased. Route Rationalization: cutting down business in unprofitable sectors and services to cities.1 Debt Recast: Kingfisher Airlines must ask the banks to reduce the interest rates of the loans and possibly find a local investor to invest some money in their business2. Low cost carriers obtaining the larger market share. Fuel costs also have increased subsequently. Economic slowdown Infrastructure constraints Banks will aver on severe security before giving in any more loans which they need for their operational costs. Some banks may even go up to the extent of calling in all their debt. The airline’s promoter funds will be tapped, which will put pressure on the finances of the UB group Current Ratio Analysis: It can be defined as the company’s ability to meet its short term maturing obligations. The current ratio is calculated using this formula: Current Assets/Current Liabilities. For the year 2012 (as of march 31st) = 16188.35/84428.04 = 0.19 (all values in million INR) For the year 2011 (as of march 31st) = 29738.26/55255.85 = 0.54 (all values in million INR)   3 4 It can be seen that the current ratio has decreased from the year 2011 to  2012 which indicates a threat to the company as the debt to assets has significantly increased and has not yet been repaid in the right model to improve and come out of the debt crisis. Following is a graph that shows the plotting based on the balance sheet3. We can see that the current ratio is less than 1:1 for both the years which indicates that the short term debts of the business are much greater than its liquid assets, which could spell disaster for its survival if creditors demand payment. Which is the case for kingfisher airlines as there crisis has been increasing and increasing as there are no sources for revenue that can be used to pay out even a part of the debt. If the company’s current ratio falls below 1, it implies that the company has a negative working capital, it is then required for the business to take a closer look at the business and there are no liquidity issues. If the ratio is drastically below 1 it implies that the company has inventories that can be converted into cash and this involves to be seriously concerned into the working which when neglected can lead to a financial crisis like in the case of Kingfisher Airlines. When observed in the financial values the income from operations has increased drastically from march 31st 2011 to march 31st 2012 which can be accounted to the loss in operations and trade. If we observe the employee costs also have been cut down on a large note due to the laying off of the employees and staff members. The aircraft lease rental has been subsidized as the fleet of Kingfisher airlines has decreased. If we compare the quarters between December 31st 2011 and march 31st 2012, we can see that the aircraft fuel expenses are more or less the same, which shows a loophole as to why is there still such high fuel expenses even though the operations and fleet have been reduced or more close to being closed. The losses between the same periods have almost increased more than double the times. Hence we see the net losses of the company to increase from (44.426.95) to (115,152.60) lacs which shows the growing debt crisis of Kingfisher Airlines. Price Movement and Performance Charts of Kingfisher Airlines Index Comparison and Ownership Pattern of Kingfisher Airlines Source: code=532747 From the above graphs, it can be clearly seen of what the past, present and future trend of Kingfisher Airlines is going to look like in the respective areas mentioned above. GPM (Gross profit margin) For the year 2011 -4.8% For the year 2012 38.2% It can be seen that the gross profit has been depreciating at an exponential rate which shows that there is absolutely no scope of business for kingfisher airlines, as its functioning and sales have gone down on a drastic rate, thus leading to its mounting losses. NPM (Net Profit Margin) For the year 2011 21.1% For the year 2012 382.01% When we calculate the net profit for the company we can observe the change in it from the year 2011 and 2012 there is difference of about 360% which shows the enormity of the debt that kingfisher airlines is heading towards. The company’s market share has also shrunk a lot due to the onboard crisis. Below is the pictorial representation of the difference in the market share of kingfisher airlines between the financial year 2011 and 2012. FOR THE YEAR 2011 FOR THE YEAR 2012 Analysis: It can be seen that Kingfisher Airlines has gone for public issue before it obtained Deccan Airlines so a part of the money might have been raised from /the money gained out of it. The UB group was the promoter of the company so it had the maximum stake in the Airlines but lately due to the debt crisis its stake is being diluted in order to issue them to other public who can invest money and might raise some capital for the business, doing so it is raising financial pressure on the UB Group. The Going concern status of kingfisher airlines has already been lost which might pose a threat for investors investing in the company which might lead to very bleak chances of survival. Problems: Fuel dues: Kingfisher Airlines had been a nonpayer of fuel bills which lead to many problems for the airliner. HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited) had abridged the supplies of fuel for the airliner in lieu of non-payment of overdue fuel bills. Delayed Salary: Kingfisher Airlines had not paid salaries to its employees from October 2011 to January 2012, which had caused employee dissatisfaction. It had also been noted that the tax cut from the employee’s income at the source was also defaulted while paying to the tax department. There was a delay in the aircraft lease rentals which has to be paid to GE Commercial Aviation Services, which later lead to repossession of four A320 aircrafts. Airport Authority of India had slammed notices on kingfisher for a due on bills which amounted to about 255.06 crore INR. This had happened because the airliner was working on a cash and carry basis with a daily expense of 0.8 crore INR. Kingfisher Airlines had even service tax arrears which invited the possibility of legal action against the airliner. Kingfisher Airlines was declared as a Non Performing Asset (NPA) by the banks that had lent money for the airliner to carry out its business. Later, KFA suffered more problems such as erosion of net worth, frozen bank accounts, much of its fleet being grounded and suspension of ticket sales by International Air Transport Association (IATA). Kingfisher Airlines share price from Sep-2010 to Sep-2011 Measures Taken: Revenue Inventiveness One world alliance membership would allow KFA to have incoming inland  passenger growth. Co-branded Credit Cards – Kingfisher Airlines had issues the King Club ICICI co-brand card as ICICI bank is one of its major lenders. Kingfisher Express: DTD (Door to Door) Cargo express services to capture the under penetrated air-cargo delivery service. Cost Reduction inventiveness Streamlining distribution channels. Renegotiating vendor agreements – airport and fuel discounts, operating leases at a discount. Control over discretionary spend – reduction in rentals, cost of transport, local conveyance and communication. Optimize space. Operational efficiency: saving on fuel consumption. Equity infusion Debt Re-schedulement Capitalization of its expenses which would lead to the increase in the net income, reduce the stockholder equity and total assets will upsurge for the same amount of expenses. Strategies for Kingfisher to come out from its Debt Crisis: Rescheduling and restructuring of loans- the unsecured loans must be converted into equity share capital then Kingfisher Airlines can avoid the finance cost of the unsecured portion but the promoter’s (UB Group) holding will drastically decrease and even the secured loans can be paid in almost the same manner. Thus the banks will have to increase the period of repayment and decrease the rate of interest on the loans which might help KFA’s operations and possibly the loans might be cleared. There must be efficient strategies to increase the turnover of the company which includes the change in pricing strategy and making it competitive to its co-airlines. Fuel subsidies from the government – KFA must convince the government to give them fuel subsidies by which they can run their airlines and then slowly repay back all its debts. FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment) – there is a larger chance of KFA getting merged with some international airline if the FDI limit is increased which will thus lead to the acquisition of Kingfisher Airlines by an international carrier but will be relieved of its debts and would not then effect the promoter group. Conclusion: The present condition of Kingfisher Airlines can be due to a series of reasons but ultimately it was a rise and all of a giant domestic carrier for India. There are very few chances for the company to bail out from its current situation. The hope of an international merger with Kingfisher might give a ray of hope to the survival of the airlines. If the current debt crisis is not put on hold and keeps increasing, there would be only one door open for Kingfisher Airlines that is to sell out everything to repay all its debts to banks and lenders thus leading to the ultimate collapse of Kingfisher Airlines.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chad’s Creative Concept Essay

Introduction †¢ Case Findings†¢ Problems†¢ Reasons behind the problems†¢ Questions and Answers †¢ Chads Creative Concepts is a company foundedby Chad Thomas that designs and manufactureswood furniture.†¢ The company began by producing custom-madefurniture and within a short duration developed asolid reputation for creative designs and high-quality workmanship.†¢ As company’s reputation grew and salesincreased, the sales force began selling some ofthe pieces to retail furniture outlets, which ledthem into the production of a more standard lineof furniture. †¢ Buyers of standard line furniture were much more pricesensitive and imposed more stringent deliveryrequirements.†¢ Custom designed furniture, however, continued todominate sales, accounting for 60% of volume and 75% ofdollar sales.†¢ Currently, the company operates a single manufacturingfacility where the equipment is mainly general purpose innature for providing flexibility to custom m ade furniture. †¢ Both custom and standard furniture compete forprocessing time on the same equipment by the samecraftspeople. †¢ Sales of standard line is increasingsteadily, so it requires more regularscheduling, but custom made furniture is givenpriority because of its higher sales and profitmargins.†¢ Thus, scheduled lots of standard furniturepieces are left sitting around the plant invarious stages of completion. †¢ The holding cost of the company is increasingwith dollars tied up in inventory, both of rawmaterials and work in process.†¢ The company has to rent expensive publicwarehouse to accommodate the inventoryvolume resulting in further increase of holdingcost.†¢ The increased lead times in both segmentshas resulted in longer promised delivery times. What type of decision must Chad Thomas make daily for his company’s operations to run effectively? Over the long run?The situation that Chad is facing is between the manufacturing andturn over. He needs to focus on decisions onscheduling, inventory, capacity & layout.†¢ He need to make scheduling decision to make sure there is not many raw materials as work in progress status. The standard line manufacturing need to be scheduled properly to avoid this problem.†¢ The standard product’s warehouse is costly. So, he need to reduce inventory by deciding on good supply-chain and implement it.†¢ As both the manufacturing line are well in demand and well increasing as well. So, he need to increase capacity to accommodate demand for both product lines.†¢ He can also separate out the production lines after increasing capacity

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Bipolar

The history of bipolar disorder itself is over 2000 years old. "Bipolar Illness, or manic depressive disorder, is an ancient disease with descriptions appearing in the biblical Old Testament and in writings from ancient Greece"(El-Mallakh 775). In the last few years, doctors find the probable cause of bipolar disorder is an inherited lack of stability in nerve impulse transmission in the brain. This biochemical brain problem causes people with bipolar disorder to be more susceptible to physical and emotional stresses. Researchers have found several genes that could be linked to the disorder. This may explain why bipolar disorder seems to run in families. Bipolar itself means "two poles" as it is characterized by mood swings. The manic episode begins with increased energy, creativity, and social ease that can easily go into uncontrollable anger, agitation, and feelings of being irritable. The other side of the pole, depression, is a lack of energy, feeling sad, worthlessness, and thoughts of suicide. These mood swings are totally unrelated to things going on in the person's life. Bipolar disorder affects close to 1% of the population of the United States. "As many as one-fifth of the 3 million people in the United States who develop bipolar disorder eventually find the emotional ride intolerable and kill themselves"(Bower 232). "Suicide is, in fact, the second major cause of death worldwide in women between the ages of 15 and 44. Almost all of these suicides are connected to mental illness, and most mental illnesses are treatable"(Jamison 80). People with bipolar disorder experience depressive episodes consisting of sadness, low energy, worthlessness, and suicidal thoughts alternating with manic episodes of euphoria, inflated self-esteem, and high energy levels. This disorder with its mood swings can permanently disable people, and without treatment, one out of five commit suicide. Many people with bipolar disorder are very intelligen... Free Essays on Bipolar Free Essays on Bipolar Bipolar disorder is perhaps one of the most tragic mood disorders, because it virtually taunts with the affected person’s mind. Bipolar disorder, which is also known as manic-depressive disorder, is a mental condition in which the person alternates between feelings of mania and depression. The occurrence of bipolar disorder has been a mystery since the sixteenth century. History has show that this affliction can appear in almost anyone. Even the great painter Vincent Van Gogh is believed to have suffered from the disease. It is clear that in our society many people live with this disorder, however, we are still waiting for a definite explanation for the causes and a cure. One thing is certain about bipolar disorder; it severely undermines its victim’s ability to maintain social and occupational success in life. Because bipolar disorder has such debilitating symptoms, it is crucial that we remain watchful in the search for answers about its causes and treatments available. Bipolar disorder affects approximately one percent of the population (approximately three million people) in the United States. It occurs in both males and females. Bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania and depression. These episodes may alternate with profound depressions characterized by a pervasive sadness, almost inability to move, hopelessness, and disturbances in appetite, sleep, and concentrations and driving. Bipolar disorder is diagnosed if an episode of mania occurs whether depression has been diagnosed or not (Goodwin, Guze, 1989, p 11). Most commonly, individuals with manic episodes experience a period of depression. Bipolar disorder is characterized by a great deal of symptoms that can be broken down into two categories: manic and depressive episodes. The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, a decrease in a need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless and irresp... Free Essays on Bipolar By: Anonymous Childhood-Onset Bipolar Disorder Childhood Onset Bipolar Disorder (COBPD) is one of the most debilitating mental disorders affecting children today. Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder usually affecting adults that causes sometimes severe changes in mood. Childhood Onset Bipolar disorder is just what it sounds like, a bipolar disorder that occurs during childhood. Persons suffering from a bipolar disorder experience mood swings ranging from depression to mania. During a depressive episode patients can experience feelings of extreme hopelessness or sadness, inability to concentrate and trouble sleeping. Symptoms of mania include rapidly changing ideas, exaggerated cheerfulness and excessive physical activity. Hypomanic symptoms are the same as in mania, however, they are not so severe as to require hospitalization. The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) outlines the diagnostic criteria for mood disorders. According to the DSM-IV, a per son must have at least 5 of the following symptoms during the same 2 week period to qualify as a major depressive episode: a depressed mood lasting most of the day for several days; a significant weight gain or weight loss; a loss of interest in activities; difficulty sleeping (insomnia) or an increased need for sleep (hypersomnia); restlessness or slowed pace observable by others; daily fatigue; feelings of guilt or worthlessness; inability to concentrate; or recurrent thoughts of death. These symptoms can only be diagnosed as a depressed episode if they are not better explained by grief, effects of a drug, or a medical condition. The person experiencing these symptoms must, also report an interference in their daily functioning because of the symptoms. Finally, the person’s symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed state. The criteria for a mixed episode state that the person must display symptoms of depression and mania every day... Free Essays on Bipolar bipolar disorder Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctor’s make in their diagnosis. All kids have mood swings- is it Bipolar Disorder? Psychologists of today are having problems diagnosing children with Bipolar Disorder because the symptoms are so different from the adult form of the disorder. In children Bipolar Disorder is called â€Å"Child Onset Bipolar Disorder†, known as COBPD (My Child 1). In children the cycling from highs to lows are very fast. Children will cycle between mania and depression many times a day. The episodes of mania or depression are short and rarely go on for more then a day at a time (Childhood 1). Children have longer periods of normal behavior between episodes then adults (Bipolar I Disorder 1). This rapid cycling is called â€Å"ultra-ultra rapid cycling† (My Child 1). â€Å"Ultra-ultra rapid cycling† is mostly associated with the low states in the morning, and then followed by the afternoo n and evening with a high increase in energy (Frequently Asked Questions 1). Children usually have continuous mood changes that are mixes of mania and depression (Sutphen 1). In adult Bipolar Disorder, it is called â€Å"Bipolar Affective Disorder†, known as manic depressive illness (My Child 1). For adults the change from manic to depressed can take months. They often have periods of normal behavior in between their episodes of mania and depression (Bipolar 1). Bipolar Disorder is a biochemical imbalance that causes major mood changes from the highs of mania, to the very lows of depression (My Child 1). Doctors say â€Å"What goes up must come down† with the highs and lows of this disorder, but the cycles are very unpredictable and vary in Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctor’s make in their diagnosis. length. The times of depression and mania stages are not equal in time (Basic Terminology 1). In childre n o... Free Essays on Bipolar The history of bipolar disorder itself is over 2000 years old. "Bipolar Illness, or manic depressive disorder, is an ancient disease with descriptions appearing in the biblical Old Testament and in writings from ancient Greece"(El-Mallakh 775). In the last few years, doctors find the probable cause of bipolar disorder is an inherited lack of stability in nerve impulse transmission in the brain. This biochemical brain problem causes people with bipolar disorder to be more susceptible to physical and emotional stresses. Researchers have found several genes that could be linked to the disorder. This may explain why bipolar disorder seems to run in families. Bipolar itself means "two poles" as it is characterized by mood swings. The manic episode begins with increased energy, creativity, and social ease that can easily go into uncontrollable anger, agitation, and feelings of being irritable. The other side of the pole, depression, is a lack of energy, feeling sad, worthlessness, and thoughts of suicide. These mood swings are totally unrelated to things going on in the person's life. Bipolar disorder affects close to 1% of the population of the United States. "As many as one-fifth of the 3 million people in the United States who develop bipolar disorder eventually find the emotional ride intolerable and kill themselves"(Bower 232). "Suicide is, in fact, the second major cause of death worldwide in women between the ages of 15 and 44. Almost all of these suicides are connected to mental illness, and most mental illnesses are treatable"(Jamison 80). People with bipolar disorder experience depressive episodes consisting of sadness, low energy, worthlessness, and suicidal thoughts alternating with manic episodes of euphoria, inflated self-esteem, and high energy levels. This disorder with its mood swings can permanently disable people, and without treatment, one out of five commit suicide. Many people with bipolar disorder are very intelligen...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Definition and Examples of Evaluation Essays

Definition and Examples of Evaluation Essays An  evaluation essay is a  composition that offers value judgments about a particular subject according to a set of criteria. Also called  evaluative writing, evaluative essay or report, and critical evaluation essay. An evaluation essay or report is a type of argument that provides evidence to justify a writers opinions about a subject. Any kind of review is essentially a piece of  evaluative writing, says Allen  S. Goose. This type of writing calls for the critical thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (8 Kinds of Writing, 2001).   Observations Without good reasons for liking or disliking certain things, students can never get beyond being passive receivers of marketing, fickle consumers without a basis for their opinions. Writing evaluation papers asks them to question why they feel the way they do.(Allison D. Smith, et al., Teaching in the Pop Culture Zone: Using Popular Culture in the Composition Classroom. Wadsworth, 2009) How to Evaluate If you are evaluating a piece of writing, then you are going to need to thoroughly read the work. While you read the work, keep in mind the criteria you are using to evaluate. The evaluative aspects may be: grammar, sentence structure, spelling, content, usage of sources, style, or many other things. Other things to consider when evaluating a piece of writing is whether the writing appealed to its target audience. Was there an emotional appeal? Did the author engage the audience, or was the piece lacking something? ...If you are evaluating anything else, use your head. You need to try, use, or test whatever thing you are evaluating. That means you should not evaluate a 2005 Chevrolet Corvette unless you have the $45,000 (or more) to buy one, or the money to rent one. You also need the know-how of driving a car of that power and a base of knowledge of other cars that you have tested to compare it to.(Joe Torres, Rhetoric and Composition Study Guide. Global Media, 2007) Identifying Criteria for an Evaluation Make a list of prominent, widely recognized standards for judging your subject. If you do not know the standards usually used to evaluate your subject, you could do some research. For example, if you are reviewing a film, you could read a few recent film reviews online or in the library, noting the standards that reviewers typically use and the reasons that they assert for liking or disliking a film. If you are evaluating a soccer team or one winning (or losing) game, you could read a book on coaching soccer or talk to an experienced soccer coach to learn about what makes an excellent soccer team or winning game.(Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, Axelrod Coopers Concise Guide to Writing, 4th ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2006) Ways of Organizing an Evaluation Essay One way to organize an  evaluation essay is  point-by-point: describe one element of the subject and then evaluate it; present the next element and evaluate it; and so on. Comparison/contrast could be an organizing structure as well,  in which you evaluate something by  comparing (or contrasting) it to a known item. Culinary and music reviews often use this strategy.  Chronological organization can be used  for evaluating an event (either current or historical). Sequential organization can be used when describing how something works and evaluating the effectiveness of the process, procedure, or mechanism. Spatial organization can be used for evaluating art  or architecture in which you describe and evaluate one element of the artifact and then move spatially to the next major element to be described and evaluated.(David S. Hogsette,  Writing That Makes Sense: Critical Thinking in College Composition.  Wipf and Stock,  2009)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Twelve Non-Negotiable Elements of Force in Writing

Twelve Non-Negotiable Elements of Force in Writing Twelve Non-Negotiable Elements of Force in Writing Twelve Non-Negotiable Elements of Force in Writing By Guest Author This is a guest post by Arthur Plotnik. ALL WE WRITERS CRAVE is to charge into the resistant, overloaded brain of a reader and shoot forked lightning through every last dendrite. Why else, if not to achieve high-voltage impact, do we push our own synapses into the red zone night after night, year after year? We are talking force herethe force that gets writing devoured, felt, remembered and published. Lacking it, the worlds most crafted content fizzles at the first neuron . Force in writing neednt always be nuclear-strength, any more than nonverbal cues have to be violent or clangorous to seize attention. Think of a despairing glance that pierces the heart, or a sound-squelching image like Scott Spencers botanical silence. But to overcome a readers natural resistance to static, sameness, and irrelevance, written words must somehow deliver the Godfather imperative: This is a message you cannot refuse. The ways of such force are legion, ranging from over-the-top exaggeration to sly understatement. Classical rhetoricians described these techniques by the hundreds. Writing programs pound away at a standard few, such as amped-up verbs and pared-down verbiage. I would include these among the knee-breakers Ive found most persuasive in overcoming reader resistance. Here I offer you an even dozen. You cannot refuse them: I know where you writers live. 1. Specificity. Why say she ordered an appetizer when you can pucker the senses with pickled herring or giant shrimp in Tylers ketchup sauce? We experience life in particulars, and theynot generalities jolt our memories and feelings. Name the telling things and actions as specifically as you can, but dont dilute their force by specifying everything. 2. Supercharged verbs. Every writer knows this techniqueshe savaged her steak rather than she ate the steak hungrily. Find or create forceful verbs; rewrite to be and to have sentences with action verbs. But writers beware: Overuse of forceful but trendy verbs (she rocked a bikini) and the huffing of too many power verbs per passage become transparently bush. 3. High performance modifiers. Like most words, adverbs and adjectives have personalities: some are kickass powerful, others are totally lame hangers-on. Unfortunately, the lamest ones have given the whole class a bad name. But robust terms like venal, venomous, strident, radiant, rousing, meteoric can be the driving force of a passage. Contrary to myth, even No-Adjective Ernest Hemingway used evocative modifiersif sparinglyto trigger response. ( . . . the sleigh-smoothed, urine-yellowed road; . . . three of the big birds squatted obscenely.) Pull your listless modifiers and plug in high-performance ones where force counts. 4. Fresh intensifiers. Drop such overused, now-forceless intensifiers as great, incredible, awesome, and amazing from your writing unless you can recharge them, as in skull-spinningly great or fall-to-your-knees awesome. Look for or create Grade-A Intensifying Adverbs, the kind that give fresh emphasis to commonplace adjectives: concussively stupid, sublimely stupid, weapons-grade stupid. 5. Sound words. Whomp. Whap. Nuzzle. Guzzle. Words imitating sounds suggest the forces that make the sounds. Even quiet forcesmurmur of innumerable beesgrip the imagination when evoked by onomatopoeia, as the technique is called. Sounds make for resonance, whether as the THOOM! of graphic novels, the KABOOOOM of a climactic literary passage (Everything Is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer), or the boom, boom of clogs amplifying a girls fears (The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold). 6. Surprise images. Apt and unexpected images, as in metaphors, excite cerebral enzymes. He had the complexion of baba ghanoush.. His tongue darted into my mouth like a tadpole escaping from a jar. (Marisha Pessl, Special Topics in Calamity Physics). Anticipated imagery such as she blushed tomato-red excite nothing. 7. Nowness. Vogue terms and pop references carry the force of novelty, fashion, and immediacyfor about one week to a year, after which they become swiped-out. But used in their moment, especially in journalism, they can be party-starters of Bieberesque boldness. 8. Street beat. Capture the rhythm and soul of the street, and you gon be head of the situation, knowm sayin? Who isnt moved by echoes of street life in all its raw effusiveness and funky phrasing? Cant kill nothin and wont nothin die. Any street will doany ethnic. Theres a girl who keeps bumping into you. You say to her, Pero mi amor, ya. And she says, Ya yourself. (Junot Dà ­az, The Cheaters guide to Love. ) The trick is to develop an ear for authenticity and an eye for fitwithin the overall tone and momentum of your narrative. 9. Big nature. Writers have always drawn on the energy of natural forcesthe violence of typhoons, the insistence of tides. Big nature makes for mighty figures of speech: Shes a Mount Saint Helens waiting to erupt. Theres an ozone hole in his thinking. But be creative; a maelstrom of clichà ©s lies in wait. 10. Tough talk / Irreverence. You talkin to me? Kiss off. Make a hole. Go take your shoes for a walk while you still got legs. To break through apathy, theres nothing like defiant expression armored with attitude, menace, slang and sometimes profanity. It can bear the force of insult, of dire consequence, of all that thrills as it threatens. The usual rules of execution apply: well timed and credible. 11. Understatement. Less can be overwhelmingly more when the immensity, the ironythe jokeis snapped together in the readers mind. When Mom says, Dont worry, its nothing, alarms go off. The not scantily endowed beauty sets hearts juddering. Lets take a little ride is not what you want to hear from Tony Soprano. 12. Torque through intensity. The ultimate force is an aggregate effectthe various elements winding the spring, torquing the intensity. It comes about via soul-jarring themes, characters in peril and on the edge, smoldering conflict, inflamed dialogue, manic introspection. It demands strategies and, yes, craft. My non-negotiable advice: go for it, element by element. Whatever the outcome, youll be a force to be reckoned with. Arthur Plotnik is an acclaimed editor and author whose eight books include the newly revised and expanded The Elements of Expression: Putting Thoughts Into Words (2012) and the recent Better Than Great: A Plenitudinous Compendium of Wallopingly Fresh Superlatives (2011). He lives in Chicago. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers"Owing to" vs "Due to"Proverb vs. Adage

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discuss and explain the Jewish scope for resistance during the Essay

Discuss and explain the Jewish scope for resistance during the Holocaust - Essay Example Jews in every ghetto, labour camp and death camp established several strategies in order to carry out effective resistance despite having little and less effective weapons. However, with their limited resources, they had courage to obtain food and water under death threat and blocked Germans from exploiting them despite having weak military. The Holocaust came to an end after Allied forces came in Europe to fight against Germans for exploiting innocent Jews. Consequently, German forces could not withhold anymore because western Allied forces had very powerful weapons and military base, thus marking the end of World War II. This paper outlines various approaches undertaken by Jews to resist Nazi rule during the Holocaust. Although there was resistance through armed uprisings, some people in ghettos boycotted Nazi rule as a means of resistance. Jews defied Nazis rule and instead, they acted contrary to the rule as a means of resisting oppressive Germans. Since there were curfew rules that barred Jews from being in the streets from 7pm to 5 am, they would gather in one building to practice all their cultural practices like dancing, singing and having comedy in order to forget the ordeal they were undergoing through. Cultural practices were prohibited by the Nazi rule and whenever one was found practicing any cultural activity, they were killed mercilessly by gunshots. Additionally, Jewish children were denied the right to education by Nazi rule; however, in ghettos, Jews set up informal schools that would educate their children secretly. Furthermore, it was a crime for Jews to observe their rituals like dietary laws and they would be punished severely once found practicing it. In light to these oppressions, many Jews felt that it was time to fight for their liberty since Nazi rule had greatly overlooked their rights. They organized committees that were meant to mobilize people to retaliate against Nazis by boycotting their rules and fighting

Argument essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Argument - Essay Example In rural school districts, however, 20 percent of students were considered obese. More alarmingly, researchers found that during the years of the survey, between 1999 and 2001, the number of obese students in rural school districts rose about 5 percent, more than twice the rate of their urban counterparts.† The research handled within this quote has been explained later within this paper. (Paxson, Christina) This paper thus helps to provide an insight into the rapidly growing rate of obesity that children suffer in schools and helps to provide solutions regarding how to counter this alarming issue. Most children all around the world spend their maximum time in school and therefore it is pertinent for the schools administration and authorities to understand the problem of obesity and address the issues as fast as possible in order to risk the complexity which comes along with obesity in old age. Around 9 million school children in the age group of above six years to fifteen years have been distinguished to be obese in USA as given in many statistical reports. Obesity among school children may be attributed to poor quality of life in school, as the children do not give enough attention to a healthy life. So what is causing such alarming rate of obesity among school students in USA? More and more children are now prone to obesity and the problem never ceases to go down with time, with parents getting tensed and worried for their children and looking for solution which could cater to the problem in the most effective and efficient manner. To highlight the solution to the problem, one of the main acts which needs to be initiated by schools is to foster an exercise module which shall incorporate physical fitness among the students of the school inside the school premises at regular intervals and throughout the week so that the students do not fall prone to ill health during their academic calendar. One of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Management - Assignment Example An internal customer could be anyone within the organization. For e.g. Jessica and her team is an internal customer for the accounts department of that company because Jessica's team can not serve the suppliers and customers well until they have proper information from accounts and they are dependent on accounts. The suppliers were unhappy because they were given incorrect information at one instance and they rejected the products because some inputs were not of quality. This caused embarrassment and could have been prevented by close internal coordination. Another way of coaching employees, so that they can effectively fulfill customer needs, is to hire external consultant or auditor who periodically monitors their performance and can guide and train them. The customer service department at medical company was not in close communication with top management and their complaints and advice were not given due importance. Thus it will result in low motivation, poor customer service and people may tend to leave as their suggestions were not considered important in the organization. I have selected State library as the service provider organization as I have been interacting with this library for quite some time. The library provides a great environment to study with latest books on all subjects; magazines, periodicals, newspaper plus internet facility. The library is famous because it has taken in to accounts the needs and wants of their target customers who are between age 18 to 50. They conduct surveys to know about the preferences of the subjects of various age groups and keep the books according to it. The customer service policy of the library is attached at the end in appendix. ENSURING QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE The library through feedback process keeps themselves aware of the changing needs of the customer. Their staff go for unofficial visits to other libraries to observe what other best services are being offered there. This helps to improve themselves. Moreover they also take help of the best librarians of the country who guide them as to how they can improve their services. RESPONDING TO FEEDBACK The feedback from the customer is taken through the feedback forms placed at the entrance. Moreover a monthly feedback is taken from the permanent members of the library. Most of the customer's requests are regarding a new book or magazine to be kept in the library. They try to arrange that book and then personally inform the customer about the status of his request. The employee base of the

Busniess ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Busniess ethics - Essay Example This has enabled me to learn to respect others, be honest, trustworthy, obedient and truthful among many other virtues. My personal ethics are because of my parents who always had to ensure that my siblings and I learn from the best. This is by setting good examples as role models. My teachers have also been of great help in developing my personal ethics through education that includes instilling discipline in each student for our own good. Through parents and education am able to realize that nothing good comes from dishonesty, disrespect and selfishness (Howard & Korver 13). It is paramount to give a helping hand to those who need our help as we go through our daily routines. How we relate with others everyday defines us as individuals. Other family members in my extended family have also contributed greatly in shaping my personal ethics in one way or the other. Several factors influence my code of ethics in an inevitable way. This is the most basic factor of all others for they are responsible for punishing and rewarding according to our conducts and discipline. In life and as we grow from the people we are familiar with, people we trust and look up to in our lives. My parents and others members of the family are the ones responsible for my current personal code of ethics. Sometimes some of these family members may not have a constructive control on our behavior and that is why it is significant for our parents to ensure that they have a strong bond with their children. This leads to a better and stronger friendship that is important in instilling positive morals in their children as they grow into adults. Friends and age mates play a major role as far as personal ethics are concerned depending on which kind of people we hang around with. I personally relate with friends who are positive minded rather than with those with negative influences. People will always judge an individual based on the type

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Question and Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Question and Answers - Essay Example With regard to ownership, a business can be owned by one individual, a small group of individuals and it can be owned by the public at large as a publically traded company. For privately owned companies, the main advantage is control since these companies do not have to keep the wishes of the shareholders in mind while making large business decisions. Additionally, the profits earned by them are taken by the owners and not divided amongst the shareholders. However, they may not have access to large amounts of capital which publicly owned companies can generate from issuing shares. Publicly owned companies also have the advantage of limited liability in case the business fails or the company hits the ground regarding the investments made by the company. The primary source of capital for privately owned businesses are investors such as venture capital companies, individual investors and banks which give out loans to privately owned company. For companies under a partnership, several individuals may bring their assets together and use that as a capital base for the company. The relationship between a business and its investors may be defined by ownership where the profits made by the company are owned by the investors until their liability has been paid up. The two most important factors which must be understood well before a business is started are the business plans and the value chain which the business seeks to provide to its clients. In the first instance, the business plan shows investors and company owners the method by which the company plans to make money over a period of time. The value chain shows the process by which the company will deliver a certain value to the customers and how the customers will reward the value given to them with money that can be used by the company. Once these elements are understood, it becomes easy to see if the

3M CORPORATION BUSINESS STRATEGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

3M CORPORATION BUSINESS STRATEGY - Essay Example This structural change comprised of very fast changes in information and product technologies and the globalization of markets. This globalization had influenced the kind of leadership capabilities that were required for the success of the organization. The two challenges faced by 3M that I managed to identify are: First, it needed to update its model of corporate leadership, while at the same time cultivating the leadership talent that was required for the company’s growth. Secondly, 3M needed to make its succession planning process more effective so that the company could make sure the deployment of capable leaders on the organization. The question raised for 3M became a major issue for the company.3M has had an emphasis on its efficiency as a result of which the question was raised on the company’s creativity and innovation being neglected. 3M is the company whose identity is built on innovating so this was a vital issue to consider for 3M. 3M had launched a couple o f efficiency programs which were designed to correct their work processes in order to make them defect less or at least minimize defects. Because of these kind of efficiency increasing initiatives, 3m’s creativity was very easily neglected. As innovation was a necessity and something that brings about new challenges and changes the problem was of managing innovation along with efficiency. Factors involved FUTURE GROWTH 3M needed to fight Competitive pressures in order to survive. The company needed to grow as well to deal with these issues. So the company needed to strengthen its leadership on its management side and also high potential leadership talent side. LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION The second challenge face by 3M was about its leadership team policy of the company is to do its promotions from within only so that employees who will become future leaders would have a good understanding of 3M’s diversified business so they can be capable of being effective leaders. Theref ore, it was quite an issue for the company to manage its succession planning and properly target its leadership development process. 3M needed a companywide leadership profile on which it could base its assessment of leadership potential Strategic options The strategic options being explored are in different aspects of the business. One of these is the creation of new models to capture the value created for the customers For this it was required by 3M to have an up to date model of leadership so that the company would be able to guide the leadership development across the company’s very strong succession planning process and diversified business. What 3M required to do, as figured by its senior executives, was to develop a global framework of leadership competencies which would be specific with the company’s vision, values and business 3M had to create a model that would clearly define the company’s desired competencies. This model would then help the management of the company in developing behaviors and skills that would be in line with the company’s corporate objectives. This became a major issue for 3M in the midst of the competitive pressures. This approach was to increase overall effectiveness. In the past, 3M has developed a leadership competency model of this sort however current literature suggested that competencies needed to be updated because of the changing philosophies of the new global business environment. (S. Sharma, 2011) Strategic analysis tools The strategic analysis tools that can be used in this case are SWOT analysis, core competence analysis of 3M, Porter’s five forces and PEST analysis. The reason why these tools can be used is because they will help the company in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Question and Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Question and Answers - Essay Example With regard to ownership, a business can be owned by one individual, a small group of individuals and it can be owned by the public at large as a publically traded company. For privately owned companies, the main advantage is control since these companies do not have to keep the wishes of the shareholders in mind while making large business decisions. Additionally, the profits earned by them are taken by the owners and not divided amongst the shareholders. However, they may not have access to large amounts of capital which publicly owned companies can generate from issuing shares. Publicly owned companies also have the advantage of limited liability in case the business fails or the company hits the ground regarding the investments made by the company. The primary source of capital for privately owned businesses are investors such as venture capital companies, individual investors and banks which give out loans to privately owned company. For companies under a partnership, several individuals may bring their assets together and use that as a capital base for the company. The relationship between a business and its investors may be defined by ownership where the profits made by the company are owned by the investors until their liability has been paid up. The two most important factors which must be understood well before a business is started are the business plans and the value chain which the business seeks to provide to its clients. In the first instance, the business plan shows investors and company owners the method by which the company plans to make money over a period of time. The value chain shows the process by which the company will deliver a certain value to the customers and how the customers will reward the value given to them with money that can be used by the company. Once these elements are understood, it becomes easy to see if the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Defending the Faith in the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Defending the Faith in the Middle East - Essay Example Consider Imperial Russia's case to be the benefactor of Orthodox Christendom, a case focused on its major territorial opponent, the Ottoman Empire. Taking after the Ottoman rout in the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774, the Treaty of Kutchuk Kainardji permitted Russia to speak to Orthodox Christians in Ottoman lands. In spite of the fact that the settlement gave the ruler just the privilege to fabricate an Orthodox Church. Over the next decades, it progressively interfered in the sultan's relations with his Orthodox subjects, undermining Ottoman power. Additionally, Imperial France asserted to be the benefactor of worldwide Catholicism, particularly the Maronites of the Ottoman Levant. By the nineteenth century, Paris was perceived as having the privilege to intercede for the benefit of the sultan's Catholic subjects. "In the Orient, where the power of men is measured by the quantity of their customers, the improvement of our Catholic demographic is a national enthusiasm for us," compos ed the French history specialist Ernest Lavisse. The political issues of religion undermined the Westphalian request, in light of the standards regional respectability and of state power. In the meantime, these strategies subverted states, filled divisions inside of them — and frequently finished in brutality. Iran's endeavors to end up the worldwide guard of Shiite Muslims and Saudi Arabia's efforts to lead the Sunnis have gotten to be focal in their fight for dominance of the Middle East, changing the locale's global framework.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Human Resources Policies Essay Example for Free

Human Resources Policies Essay Armstrong, (2006) defined Human Resource policies as continuing guidelines on the approach the organization intends to adopt in managing its people. In addition, it can also be defined as the philosophies and values of the organization on how people should be treated, and from these are derived the principles upon which managers are expected to act when dealing with Human Resource matters. Human Resource policies therefore serve as reference points when employment practices are being developed, and when decisions are being made about people. Mullins, (2005) highlighted that Human Resource Management must be committed to creating a working environment free from discrimination and where all employees are treated equally with dignity, courtesy and respect. This can be done by putting into place Human Resource policies that shows how people should be treated, and from these are derived the principles upon which managers are expected to act when dealing with Human Resource matters. The most common areas in which specific Human Resource policies exist are HIV and AIDS, discipline, employee development, employee relations, recruitment and selection, equal opportunity, grievances, health and safety, managing diversity, promotion, redundancy, reward, sexual harassment, substance abuse and work life balance and e-mails and the internet. Cole (1997) argued that this employment equity policy helps in preventing discrimination and promoting equality in the workplace. The equal opportunity policy should spell out the organization’s determination to give equal opportunities to all, irrespective of sex, race, creed, disability, age or marital status. The policy should also deal with the extent to which the organization wants to take affirmative action to redress imbalances between numbers employed according to sex or race, or to differences in the levels of qualifications and skills they have achieved. According to the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01),Section 5 states that no employer shall discriminate any employee or prospective employee on grounds of race, tribe, place of origin, political opinion, colour, creed, gender, pregnancy, HIV/AIDS status or subject to the Disabled Persons Act (Chapter 17:01). Every manager must take steps to promote equal opportunity in the workplace by eliminating unfair discrimination in any employment policy or practice within their sphere of authority. All forms of unfair discrimination, whether direct or indirect, are prohibited and it is the responsibility of all employees to inform themselves about and refrain from perpetrating unfair discrimination. The sexual harassment policy is another policy which aims at preventing and managing sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; or is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such an individual. The company must prohibit inappropriate conduct that is sexual in nature at work, on company business, or at company sponsored events. This can be done by prohibiting comments, jokes, or degrading language or behavior that is sexual in nature, sexually suggestive objects, books, magazines, photographs, cartoons, pictures, calendars, posters or electronic communications and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or any sexual touching this is according to Armstrong (2006). Sexual harassment is prohibited whether it’s between members of the opposite sex or members of the same sex. All managers have a key responsibility in establishing and maintaining a workplace free from personal harassment and they are directly responsible for the conduct of their staff. Sexual harassment is regarded as gross industrial misconduct and if proved makes the individual liable for instant dismissal. Less severe penalties may be reserved for minor cases but there will always be a warning that repetition will result in dismissal. Therefore all employees are expected to comply with this policy and that it is the pers onal responsibility of each employee to ensure that inappropriate conduct does not occur, as stated by Armstrong (2010). Safety policies should reflect the employers commitment to safety and health at work and should indicate what standards of behavior are to be aimed for in safety and health welfare matters. The policy statement should be drawn to the attention of all employees. In practice this is achieved by issuing a safety policy document to all employees via their pay packets, or by issuing company handbooks which include details of the policy. The important point is that the employer should be able to show that he has done more than just pin up a notice in various parts of his premises, this is postulated by Mullins (2005). The HIV/Aids policy is also used and its purpose is to provide guidance on managing departmental responses to HIV/AIDS in a manner that complies with the National Aids Policy and applicable laws, eliminates unfair discrimination and enables the harnessing of each person’s full potential. Employees who know that they are infected with HIV will not be obliged to disclose the fact to the company, but if they do, the fact will remain completely confidential. There must be no discrimination against anyone with or at risk of acquiring AIDS. In addition, employees infected by HIV or suffering from AIDS must be treated no differently from anyone else suffering a severe illness. All human resources processes and practices should promote an affirming non-discriminatory environment that fosters respect for the dignity of all while ensuring the maximum productivity of each employee regardless of HIV/AIDS status. This will be done through a regular review of all human resources practices and processes to eliminate existing or potential direct and indirect discrimination on the ground of HIV/AIDS. A prospective employee will not be required to disclose his or her HIV/AIDS status, there shall be no pre-employment HIV/AIDS testing in respect of a prospective employee and both permanent and contract employees are not obliged to disclose their HIV/AIDS status, as subject to Labour Relations Act (chapter 28:01). Recruitment and selection policies are also used to ensure a work environment that is anti discriminatory, democratic, respectful of rights, mindful of dignity and legally sound or legitimate. The Human resource department must be committed to utilise recruitment and selection practices that are based on merit, equity, objectivity, fairness and the need to redress the imbalances of the past so as to achieve a department that is broadly representative. According to Storey (1995), the recruitment process should reflect the department’s employment equity values and goals. Moreover, all phases of the recruitment process must support the recruitment of suitably qualified men and women from diverse racial and other backgrounds with a view to giving them an opportunity to serve all the people with excellence and responsiveness. Considerations of affirmative action will inform the entire recruitment process. The policy on age and employment should take into account that age is a poor predictor of job performance. It is misleading to equate physical and mental ability with age. More of the population are living active, healthy lives as they get older. Therefore the policy should define the approach the organization adopts to engaging, promoting and training older employees. It should emphasize that the only criterion for selection or promotion should be ability to do the job; and for training, the belief that the employee will benefit, irrespective of age. The policy should also state that age requirements should not be set out in external or internal job advertisements. Armstrong (2006). Diversity management policy is a concept that recognizes the benefits to be gained from differences. A policy on managing diversity recognizes that there are differences among employees and that these differences, if properly managed, will enable work to be done more efficiently and effectively. This concept does not focus exclusively on issues of discrimination but instead concentrates on recognizing the differences between people. Maund (2001) express it, the concept of managing diversity is founded on the premise that harnessing these differences will create a productive environment in which everyone will feel valued, where their talents are fully utilized and in which organizational goals are met. The diversity management policy must acknowledge cultural and individual differences in the workplace, state that the organization values the different qualities that people bring to their jobs, emphasize the need to eliminate bias in such areas as selection, promotion, performance asse ssment, pay and learning opportunities and focus attention on individual differences rather than group differences. Mathis, (2003) is of the view that the disciplinary policy should state that employees have the right to know what is expected of them and what could happen if they infringe the organization’s rules. It would also make the point that, in handling disciplinary cases, the organization will treat employees in accordance with the principles of natural justice. It must be the policy of the company that employees should be given a fair hearing by their immediate supervisor or manager concerning any grievances they may wish to raise, have the right to appeal to a more senior manager against a decision made by their immediate supervisor or manager and have the right to be accompanied by a representative of their own choice when raising a grievance or appealing against a decision. Cole, (1997) highlighted that the reward policy must cover matters as providing an equitable pay system, equal pay for work of equal value, paying for performance, competence, skill or contribution, sharing in the success of the organization and the relationship between levels of pay in the organization and market rates. There must not be discrimination of employees in pay levels. This will encourage the optimum productivity from employees and ensures high level of quality output. A performance management system must be put in place so as to pay employees according to their performance and efforts. Armstrong (2006) is of the opinion that job evaluation must also be done in a fairly and equitable manner so as to have a free work environment. In conclusion, companies must be committed to providing a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. Human Resource policies must prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace, whether committed by or against managers, co-workers, customers, vendors, or visitors. Employees must work and develop in an environment that is anti-discriminatory, democratic, respectful of rights, mindful of dignity, legally sound and productive. Workplace discrimination or harassment based on an employee’s race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, age status, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, or any other basis prohibited by law, must not be tolerated. REFERENCES Armstrong, M. (2006) Strategic Human Resource Management, (3rd Ed), London: Kogan. Armstrong, M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, (10th Ed), London: Kogan. Cole G.A. (1997), Personnel Management, Theory and Practice, London: Continuum. Labour Relations Act Regulations (1998), HIV and AIDS, Government Printers: Zimbabwe. Maund, L. (2001), An Introduction to Human Resource Management Theory And Practice, New York: Palgrave. Mullins, L. J. (2005), Management and Organizational Behavior, England: Prentice Hall. Storey, J.(1995), Human Resource Management: A critical text, London: Routledge.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Forrest Gump Book Vs Movie English Literature Essay

Forrest Gump Book Vs Movie English Literature Essay Forrest Gump: Book vs. Movie Written in 1986 by Winston Groom, Forrest Gump was eventually made into a movie in 1994 and won an Academy Award. Both the book and its film concern the title character, a man who goes through many obstacles and a number of historical events around the world. Although both works explore the character of Forrest Gump and his lifelong journeys, the original book differs in many ways from its film version. The film portrays Forrest as a charming, mentally challenged man who brightens not only the people around him, but the world itself through his numerous encounters with celebrities, his brushes with key historical events, and more important through his down to earth attitude. The overall tone of the book is much darker than that of the easy going family film. In the book, Forrest does drugs while visiting Harvard, uses profanity, explores a career as a professional wrestler, and even gambles. Although the character in the book seems to mean well, he makes many bad decisions and is sometimes has angry outbursts, unlike the character in the film. Forrest Gumps character in the novel is much different than that of the man portrayed by actor Tom Hanks. Grooms depiction of Gump is rougher, with Gump remaining very much a idiot throughout the entirety of the book, whereas by the end of the movie the character matures into a more thoughtful, wiser, and smarter person. Grooms Gump regularly enjoys marijuana, and although he does make his living from the shrimp business, his gives this business over to his crew deciding at the end of the novel to leave them to be a street performer. Gump is much more of an idiot in the book, rather than Hanks lovable, mentally challenged portrayal. In the book Forrest can solve complex mathematical equations and is a musical prodigy and a gifted chess player. A number of important characters die throughout the course of the movie. Although this develops Forrest Gump as a character and shows his growing maturity in the wake of tragedy, these characters do not die in the novel. Forrests love interests, Jenny, as well as his mother, both live on at the close of the novel. Forrests father is a dock worker rather than a white supremacist, and his mother never resorts to sexual favors in order to keep Forrest in school. In addition, important characters were left out of the film, including Forrests college roommate Curtis and a gorilla named Sue, whom Forrest befriends on his mission into space. Although Forrest takes part in historical events in both the movie and the book, a number of these events were altered, cancelled out completely, or invented for the movie. The book spans 26 chapters, while the film concerns itself with the first 11 chapters and certain events from the books final chapters, cancelling out a bunch of material. Forrest is a football star early in the book; however, he is later described as overweight and not the movie versions avid runner. Forrests run across the United States does not happen in the book, doesnt wear leg braces, doesnt marry Jenny, or even graduate college. The book also describes Forrests participation in a NASA mission into space, his time as an actor, his time spent amongst cannibals, and a scene in which he saves the life of Chairman Mao Zedong during a trip to China. These are some of the parts of the book that were cut from the film to keep it close to two hours. Now on to Forrest and Jenny relationship, we perceive that on the movie, they were actually friends. Their ups and downs show how Forrest loved Jenny, however she feels much sadness and compassion for him. She did not dream about marrying him or living with him. She had other intentions. In the book, she really loved Forrest, although being afraid of this feeling. She began one serious relationship with him and then finishes it when she sees him kissing another girl. Then, she decides to live far from Forrest, although being pregnant with his child. At last, we see one more time that the ideas of the director of the movie and the author of the book are very different. In the movie, after Jennys death, Forrest looks after his son, what reveals that one more time he is figured out as being more independent on the movie. In the book, Jenny marries another man and makes a family with little Forrest and her husband. She feels that Forrest would not be right raising the child. Compared towards books, movies loosely tend to focus more on gathering more people and earning more profit. In order for the movie to be profitable, it has to satisfy peoples desires by including love story, the success of an ordinary person, and a happy ending. The director of the movie would probably have taken the risk of changing much of the original story, because he knew that such components of the movie could more effectively bring the moviegoers and drive him to success.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

LASIK Surgery :: LASIK Surgery Essays

Seeing well without contact lenses and glasses is the dream of millions of Americans and modern medical science has enabled that dream to come true (Caster, 8). Since first grade, Dede Head, a 30-year-old fitness trainer in North Carolina, has worn glasses to correct sever nearsightedness and astigmatism. Over the years she became accustomed to wearing glasses and contacts, but this has limited many important aspects of her life, including sports. She then heard of a laser eye surgery that â€Å"supposedly†, helped to correct a person’s vision by means of lasers. She immediately signed up for the procedure and ever since that day, she has not worn glasses or contacts. Dede is just one of the eight hundred-fifty-thousand people who have undergone a procedure by the name of LASIK or Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis. If surgical procedures were movies, LASIK would be this years box office smash as it has received much media coverage and many praises; however, not that many peo ple know what LASIK is, what the advantages and disadvantages are, and most importantly if LASIK is right for them (Buratto, 1). LASIK is basically a type of laser surgery which can help correct nearsightedness (myopia), which is the inability to see distant objects, farsightnedness (hyperopia), which is the inability to see close, and astigmatism, the inability to focus light waves evenly. LASIK has grown greatly in the last year, mostly because of 4 reasons; it is fast (procedure takes about 5-10 minutes), safe, painless, and the results are almost always prolific. The eye is just like a camera because it works by focusing light waves that pass through it. Light rays that enter the eye must first pass through the most outer layer of the eye called the cornea. The cornea performs 2/3 of the focusing process, the remainder of is then completed by the crystalline lens which further focuses the light on the retina. This requires extreme precision in that the focused light must fall ex actly at the level of the retina (Gallo, 126). The retina is a nerve tissue that carpets the inner surface of the eye, much like wallpaper covers all aspects of a wall. The retina converts the light into electrical signals, which are transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve. Just as a camera cannot produce clear photographs of the image if the incoming light is not focused on the film, we cannot produce a clear vision if the cornea and crystalline lens do not focus the light precisely on the retina.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Supply Chains

Question #2-Define the supply chains for the following products from the first source of raw materials to the first customer. A) Big Mac, B) Gasoline, C) Automobile repair, D) A Text book. Supply chain, its management, performance measures and improvement approaches. As an extension of the systems point of view, the system dynamics inherent in the supply chain are illustrated and the coordination in the supply chain is emphasized. Five areas where measurement of supply chain performance should be made are discussed. The five areas are on-time delivery, quality, time (business cycle) total delivered cost and flexibility.The first step in devising an effective supply chain is to consider the nature of demand for the product. For this many aspects are important: Product life cycle, demand predictability, product variety etc. But any product can be broadly classified into as either a Functional Product or an Innovative Product based on their demand patterns. Root cause for ineffectivenes s of any supply chain is the mismatch between the type of product and the type of supply chain. Functional Products are generally staples or those generally bought from the grocery stores or retail outlets.They have stable demands are price variations do not affect the demand drastically. Such products have long life cycles but they invite competition and usually have low profit margins. The supply chain performs two different types of functions: 1) A physical function and 2) A market mediation function. The physical function deals with production for goods, movement of raw materials etc; while the market mediation function ensures that the variety of products reaching the marketplace match those that the consumers want to buy.Each of these functions incurs different costs. The physical costs include costs of production, inventory shortage and transportation while the market mediation costs arise when there is a mismatch between demand and supply. If supply > demand, the product has to be sold at a loss otherwise it results in loss of opportunities and dissatisfied customers. Supply chain management is planning, design and control of the flow of information and materials along the supply chain in order to meet customer requirements in an efficient manner, now and in the future.Demand management is managing the demand for goods or services along the supply chain. Therefore, demand management is complementary to supply chain management and controls the levels of demand on the system. Big-Mac – (1) Suppliers of beef, vegetables, bread (2) Factories and distribution centers, (3) The franchises that sell Big Mac, (4) The customers. Raw materials- The raw materials are the ingredients that will go into producing the finished product. For McDonald’s, these will include the buns, beef patties, paper cups, salad ingredients and packaging.These are delivered to the restaurants between 3 and 5 times a week. The raw materials arrive together on one heavy tru ck with three sections so that each product can be stored at a suitable temperature. The three sections are: frozen†¢ chilled†¢ ambient – which means foods that can be stored at room temperature. This applies to items such as coffee or sugar sachets. Work-in-progress (WIP) refers to stocks that are in the process of being made into finished product. A Big Mac consists of a bun, two beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, sauce and a small amount of seasoning.The restaurant will only combine these items just before the customer orders them so the Big Macs are hot and fresh when served. Finished products are goods that are ready for immediate sale to a customer. At any one time, a restaurant will have a range of products ready for sale. Many of these will include finished products like Filet-o-Fish, Big Macs and side salads. At McDonald’s, all raw materials, work-in-progress and finished products are handled on first In, First out (FIFO) basis. This mea ns raw materials are used in the order they are received. Therefore stock is always fresh because products are sold in the order they are made.If the process First In, Last out (FILO) was used, then the finished product would be dry and unappealing because the first one prepared is the last one sold temperature. Benefits to customers and restaurants – The centralized stock management system generates many benefits. Many of these are for restaurants and Restaurant Managers. However, customers also benefit through improved customer experience – customers can eat a quality product, in a clean environment, when they want it. Benefits include: 1. Restaurants avoid running out of stock. As a result, customers can always receive what they order. 2.The system eliminates inexperience in the ordering. The system enables a new Restaurant Manager to ensure the order is right first time. 3. Time saved in ordering as the system calculates how much is required. 4. Orders are based on the current stocks. The Restaurant Manager simply inputs the current stock level. 5. Less waste means food costs are reduced. This cost saving is then passed on in better value for money for customers. 6. The amount of stock ordered for promotions is more accurate, being based on past performance. 7. There is a reduction in the need for emergency deliveries, saving money. . Stock levels are always at Optimum level, helping to ensure sales and the freshest product. 9. Stock can be reduced automatically at the end of a promotion, avoiding too much stock. Gasoline – Different stages in petroleum supply chain: Exploration > Production > Refining > marketing > Consumer. Exploration: Seismic, geophysical and geological operations. Production: Drilling, reservoir, production and facilities engineering. Refining: is a complex operation and its output is the input to marketing. Marketing: is the retail sale of gasoline, engine oil and other refined products.Oil drilling-Before petrol eum can be used, it is sent to a refinery where it is physically, thermally and chemically separated into fractions and then converted into finished products. About 90% of these products are fuels such as gasoline, aviation fuels, distillate and residual oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), coke (not the refreshment) and kerosene. Refineries also produce non-fuel products, including petrochemicals, asphalt, road oil, lubricants, solvents and wax. Petrochemicals (ethylene, propylene, benzene and others) are shipped to chemical plants, where they are used to manufacture chemicals and plastics.There are two major sectors within the oil industry, upstream and downstream. For the purposes of this tutorial we will focus on upstream, which is the process of extracting the oil and refining it. Downstream is the commercial side of the business, such as gas stations or the delivery of oil for heat. Oil Drilling and Services- Oil drilling and services are broken into two major areas: drilling a nd oilfield services. Drilling – Drilling companies physically drill and pump oil out of the ground. The drilling industry has always been classified as highly skilled.The people with the skills and expertise to operate drilling equipment are in high demand, which means that for oil company to have these people on staff all the time can cost a lot. For this reason, most drilling companies are simply contractors who are hired by oil and gas producers for a specified period of time. In the drilling industry, there are several different types of rigs, each with a specialized purpose. Some of these include: Land Rigs – Drilling depths ranges from 5,000 to 30,000 feet. Submersible Rigs – Used for ocean, lake and swamp drilling.The bottom parts of these Rigs are: submerged to the sea's floor and the platform are on top of the water. Jack-ups – this type of rig has three legs and a triangular platform which is jacked-up above the highest anticipated waves. Drill Ships – These look like tankers/ships, but they travel the oceans in search of oil in extremely deep water. Oilfield Services – Oilfield service companies assist the drilling companies in setting up oil and gas wells. In general these companies manufacture, repair and maintain equipment used in oil extraction and transport.More specifically, these services can include: Seismic Testing – This involves mapping the geological structure beneath the surface. Transport Services – Both land and water rigs need to be moved around at some point in time. Oil Refining – The refining business is not quite as fragmented as the drilling and services industry. This sector is dominated by a small handful of large players. In fact, much of the energy industry is ruled by large, integrated oil companies. Integrated refers to the fact that many of these companies look after all factors of production, refining and marketing.For the most part, refining is a slow and s table business. The large amounts of capital investment means that very few companies can afford to enter this business. This handbook will try to focus more on oil equipment and services such as drilling and support services. Oil and gas: Unique supply chain – In the oil and gas supply chain, process control has historically included safety solutions, such as fire detectors and high-integrity pressure protection systems, but not physical security, such as intrusion detection, access control, and video surveillance.Nor have these facilities employed considered abnormal situation management or cyber security. All of these elements of safety and security are important; each has unique business and technical challenges. Generally, there are no industry standards or norms for an integrated safety and security solution applied within the oil and gas supply chain. For example, there is no standard for interfacing access control or perimeter intrusion alarms with process control sys tems. Additionally, the systems in many facilities come from separate vendors and different business dynamics often apply.Security technology now applied in industrial sites, for example, originates from commercial building security technology, which may not be suitable for an industrial facility or geographically distributed pipeline. There are also unique internal conditions that present challenges. These conditions include lower staff ratios, unmanned installations, widely dispersed assets, significant use of unsecured public telecommunications infrastructure, exposable products, and low technology maturity. Distribution Planning: Generating operational plans for distribution.These modules are supported by various enablers that facilitate planning activity that include: (1) Supply Chain Database (SCD), (2) Geographical Information System (GIS), (3) Data Interfaces The production and the Supply and Distribution (S&D) structure forms the basis on which the optimized plan for the en tire organization is generated. This corporate plan is communicated to distribution modules and the production planning modules to generate operational plans . The optimized plan for the entire corporation is also used as a basis for feedstock selection runs.GIS can be used to obtain the distances between locations, which are used as a basis for freight calculation. Raw Material Supplies: Process industry has limited choice of suppliers for raw material supplies in petroleum industry are dominated by cartels. It is a sellers market where supply of raw material prices is highly unstable and fluctuating on weekly or even daily basis. Fluctuating prices directly affect the supply chain costs and prices of final product. Automobile repair- suppliers of automobile repair tools and parts: warehouses for the parts, repair shops, customers’ cars.Raw Materials – Glass, steel, rubber, plastic, copper, lithium, silicon, aluminum. Some of the raw materials used for cars are: alumi num, steel (body parts), titanium (some exhaust systems) and platinum (inside catalytic converters). It's always best for the translation services provider to be embedded into the manufacturing supply chain in order to be able to apply understand it from inside and accurately interpret the important aspects of the lucrative international auto parts industry and its successful marketing.Hire professional translators that have knowledge across diverse technical fields. These fields include, but are not limited to: mechanical & electrical engineering, automation technology, electronics and microelectronics, navigation systems, board computers, wiring, air conditioning, paneling, service and diagnostics. This would ensure that all the technical terms used in the translation are in accordance to the standards familiar to the local market assembly workers, mechanics, engineers, suppliers and end-customers.Auto parts are built or remanufactured to replace damaged or worn OE parts, while th e accessories are parts sold after the original sale of a vehicle intended to add to the comfort, convenience, performance, safety or customization of that vehicle. The Auto parts are shipped using both truck transports and railroads to move vehicles to dealerships, although air freight may be used if critical parts are needed as soon as possible in order to keep an assembly line moving. Offshore exports and imports are handled by ship.In addition to OE and OES parts, shipments also may include auto parts destined for the various national and regional parts distribution networks serving the aftermarket segments of the world. OES parts, like automobile sales, have traditionally been handled through the franchised independent dealership networks in the major markets of the world. In the United States, the National Automobile Dealers Association some franchised for car and truck dealers also separate franchises, both domestic and international.The independent aftermarket distribution n etworks are much more complex. There are approximately 45,000 companies engaged in the wholesale and retail auto parts. The aftermarket has traditionally consisted of wholesalers who purchase parts and components from the manufacturers; jobbers, intermediaries between wholesale distributors and retail operation; and the retail outlets. They supply for the following areas with an emphasis on hand tools: -Engine repair – high quality engine repair, maintenance and tuning supplies. Auto body tools – tooling and accessories to get cars into shape. -Air conditioning – testing and maintaining a/c systems. -Electrical diagnostic tools – testers and diagnostic equipment for car electric systems and components. -Under-car – adjustment products to steering, brakes, clutch, etc. other Text book – Suppliers of pulp, paper manufacturer, publisher, printing press, bookstores, and customers. A book can be broadly defined as a written document of at least 4 9 text pages that communicates thoughts, ideas, or information.Raw Materials-Books are made from a variety of different coated and uncoated paper stocks that differ in weight and size. In addition, different color inks may be used. Also, while front and back covers are generally made from a heavier stock of paper, they will vary in terms of weight. Pulp logs, wood chips, pulp, and recovered paper are the raw materials used to make these paper products. Pulp logs are wood destined to be made into pulp. To make paper, trees are harvested, debarked, and chipped.For example, hardback books have a durable cardboard stock cover while paperback books are made from a thinner paper stock. Usually, cover stocks are coated with different colors or designs. Since the nineteenth century, book production has entailed the use of sophisticated machinery, including typesetting machines, a web or sheet-fed printing press, and book binding machines. Design-The process of designing a book is ongoing th roughout the stages of production.Initially, the author, in conjunction with an editor and book agent, will consider elements of design that pertain to the scope and purpose of the book, the desired approach to the subject matter, whether illustrations should be used, and other issues such as chapter headings and their placement. In determining those elements, the intended audience for the manuscript will be considered, along with accepted editorial standards. Other design considerations include whether a book should have a preface, a foreword, a glossary to define specific terms, an index to reference key words and concepts, and an appendix of supplementary material.Once the book manuscript is written, editors and authors must refine the manuscript to attain a final edited version prior to production: page size and style ,typeface size and style ,the type and weight of paper for the text and cover ,use of color ,presentation of visuals/illustrations in the text, if needed ,cover ar t/illustrations. The Manufacturing Process -After the book is written and appropriate design elements are agreed upon, book production can begin. The first stage typesetting, pages and mechanical, filming, stripping, blueprints, plate is making and them printing Binding.To help ensure that a quality product is produced; print shops conduct a number of periodic checks. In addition to checking blueprints for accuracy, printers will pull a press proof, or sample, before the print run is begun. If certain areas of the proof are too light or too dark, adjustments to the press may be required. After the book signatures are sewn together, the print shop will spot-check them to make sure they have been folded and sewn correctly. They will also check to see if the book covers are properly bound to prevent the books from deteriorating with use.Because desktop publishing is relatively new, changes and enhancements continue to make the systems more user-friendly. As more people gain access to s uch systems, book publication and publishing in general will see more widespread use of desktop publishing in the future. 16-Explain what is meant by cross-docking, and describe the associated benefits Cross docking is a distribution system where items received at the warehouse are not received into stock, but are prepared for shipment to another location or for retail stores. Cross docking can realize a cost reduction by skipping put away and retrieval steps.Benefits-Many companies have benefitted from using cross docking. Some of the benefits include: -Reduction in labor costs, as the products no longer requires picking and put away in the warehouse. -Reduction in the time from production to the customer, which helps improve customer satisfaction. -Reduction in the need for warehouse space, as there is no requirement to storage the products. Types of Cross Docking -There are a number of cross docking scenarios that are available to the warehouse management. Companies will use the type of cross docking that is applicable to the type of products that they are shipping. Manufacturing Cross Docking – This procedure involves the receiving of purchased and inbound products that are required by manufacturing.The warehouse may receive the products and prepare sub-assemblies for the production orders. -Distributor Cross Docking – This process consolidates inbound products from different vendors into a mixed product pallet, which is delivered to the customer when the final item is received. For example, computer parts distributors can source their components from various vendors and combine them into one shipment for the customer. Transportation Cross Docking – This operation combines shipments from a number of different carriers in the less-than-truckload (LTL) and small package industries to gain economies of scale. -Retail Cross Docking – This process involves the receipt of products from multiple vendors and sorting onto outbound trucks for a number of retail stores. This method was used by Wal-Mart in the 1980's. They would procure two types of products, items they sell each day of the year, called staple stock, and large quantities products which is purchased once and sold by the stores and not usually stocked again.This second type of procurement is called direct freight and Wal-Mart minimize any warehouse costs with direct freight by using cross docking and keeping it in the warehouse for as little time as possible. -Opportunistic Cross Docking – This can be used in any warehouse, transferring a product directly from the goods receiving dock to the outbound shipping dock to meet a known demand, i. e. a customer sales order. Products Suitable for Cross Docking There are materials that are better suited to cross docking than others.The list below shows a number of types of material that are more suited to cross docking. -Perishable items that require immediate shipment -High quality items that do not requ ire quality inspections during goods receipt -Products that are pre-tagged (bar coded, RFID), pre-ticketed, and ready for sale at the customer -Promotional items and items that are being launched. -Staple retail products with a constant demand or low demand variance -Pre-picked, pre-packaged customer orders from another production plant or warehouse