Monday, July 29, 2019

Physics2proj1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physics2proj1 - Essay Example Check the instructions in the online course for more information. **If you choose to use your word processing, you may use the equation editor feature or drawing tools in your word processing to complete your project. Please be aware that you are responsible for learning to use these tools and for completing ALL parts of your project prior to submission.** **If you would rather print your project and write your answers by hand, you may still submit it electronically by scanning the pages into either .pdf (Portable Document Format), or .doc format (as an MS Word document). If you scan your project as images, embed them in a Word document in.gif image format—using .gif images that are smaller than 8 x 10 inches, or 600 x 800 pixels, will help ensure that the project is small enough to upload. Remember that a file that is larger than 5,000 K will NOT go through the online system. Make sure your pages are legible before you upload them.** You know from your studies in Unit 1 that it takes energy to warm an object, more energy to convert it to a liquid (melt) and even more energy to convert it to a gas (boil) it. As seen in Figure 23.12 in your textbook, a graph of the change in temperature as a function of energy added has a characteristic â€Å"stair-step† appearance. In this lab you will be generating a phase change diagram as you convert ice to water and finally to steam. Part B: Measure the amount of time it takes the water to start boiling and determine the temperature at which boiling occurs (remember that the higher your altitude, the lower your boiling temperature). Part D: Calculate the amount of energy added in each step (warming ice, melting ice, warming water, boiling water, warming steam) using the accepted values for the specific heat of water, latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization. 1. Obtain approximately one cup of ice cubes and place them in a small container in the freezer. The

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