Friday, July 26, 2019

Ch7 - reflectional journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ch7 - reflectional journal - Essay Example The advantages of questioning in learning show that questions trigger divergent thinking, encourage reflection, build inward understanding, promote factual knowledge, and nurture convergent thinking. When questioning, teachers should consider the structure of questioning so that they can balance the appropriateness of the questions in the teaching and learning process. Teacher responses influence effective learning process and are vital because the teacher must consider the answers given by the learners in an encouraging way so that the learner can feel motivated. Additionally, the teacher should respond in an extensive way whereby he/she expands the student’s answer for better understanding of the content being asked. Expansion of a student’s response encourages and motivates the learner in the sense that the learner attains a sense of appreciation and within the right path to getting the right answer. Finally, the teacher should also probe when answering to leaners questions; this is whereby the teacher questions further the answers given by the learner. This method tests whether the learner has understood the concept being learned. In summation, the author points that teachers should adopt an appropriate way of questioning and answering during the teaching and learning process so that the objectives of the lesson are outstandingly met making the teaching effective. In summation, the author points that teachers should adopt an appropriate way of questioning and answering during the teaching and learning process so that the objectives of the lesson are outstandingly met making the teaching

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