Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Biology Building At The University Of North Florida

The Biology Building at the University of North Florida has a hidden gem nestled away within it. In the middle of the structure is a small square semi enclosed courtyard. Utilizing that courtyard, my favorite place on the whole campus, I will conduct an autoethnography. In my autoethnography I will analyze what about the courtyard I love so much and what those things convey about my relationship with myself and others as well as my position within society. Autoethnographies combine elements of both autobiographies and ethnographies. Specifically, autoethnographies are academic essays that are introspective and narrative-oriented looks at the self, much like autobiographies and memoirs. However, autoethnographies are set apart from autobiographies and journals in that they join that introspection with ethnographic research methods concerned with connections between community and the self. Due to their unique nature, ethnographies are beneficial in enhancing cultural understanding of the connections between groups and individuals, as well as the self; and have the potential ability to transform the self and others through the cross-cultural building of bonds and understanding (Chang 2007). Using public and locations can be a helpful tool in self insight, as they encompass a specific discourse (Thomas 1987). The authors reactions to that discourse as well as their identity within the discourse In my own autoethnography, I will examine my own reactions to the courtyard in theShow MoreRelatedI Am Applying For The Mayo Clinic1622 Words   |  7 Pagesearly age. The motivation developed because I had an opportunity to see the miracles research and medicine could do first hand back in Pakistan, as my father was an ENT surgeon. 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